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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. And "September Gurls" isn't even Big Star's best song. Whatever. It's a thread.
  2. I just thought I should post in this thread. Carry on. If you must.
  3. I'm guessing that "One Sunday Morning (Song For Jane Smiley's Boyfriend)" is twelve minutes long because of countless unpronounceable Icelandic surnames. This.
  4. They're both pretty awful, but you're right that TWL is infinitely better.
  5. The Dawes record, for sure. Also, haven't seen this mentioned by anyone yet: Will definitely be in my top 5 for the year, and I say that with full confidence despite the year being not quite half over.
  6. Been listening to this for the last couple of days and I'm quite happy with it. No surprises, really, but the world badly needed a new Gillian Welch record, whether it was a bold step into new styles (which it's not) or merely another satisfying helping of her familiar formula (which it is).
  7. It really is a toss-up, but I had to take a stand.
  8. Nobody loves Big Star more than I do, but the answer is "Waterloo Sunset."
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A2QkgMvTtM Something tells me this isn't really what you were looking for.
  10. Hope it was minor and that he'll be back on his feet, sax in hand, before we know it. Best wishes to the Big Man.
  11. For some reason I was pretty skeptical about this album, but I've been pleasantly surprised. I thought North Hills was fantastic, and I wasn't sure how they were going to top that. But they have.
  12. My first thought was "what a cool name," and then I saw that it's actually "Drobo."
  13. I use an external hard drive at work for all of my music. I think the one I currently have is ~750 GB. It's about time for me to buy a new, larger drive and copy everything from the old one onto it. I keep my old drives, mothballed, in case I have a failure with a newer one -- that way I don't lose absolutely everything. By keeping my music on an external drive that I own, it never really mingles with my employer's network or hardware (aside from being played through their sound card), and that seems to keep them happy. Obviously different employers have different policies about such things
  14. "The album will include all former bands members" "The difference from then and now is that Mark and I have both experienced different kinds of music and expanded our palates." No Depression JamBands.com is in serious need of a copy editor. They also misspelled "Louris" once. And if ALL former "bands" members are involved, that's about a dozen people.
  15. Why is Food Network's Aaron Sanchez rowing a boat?
  16. Big fan. This was the one that hooked me:
  17. As is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTl3U6aSd2w
  18. I doubt this very much. Sharing music probably increases his concert ticket sales to an extent that far exceeds any money that Buckner himself might lose from the few discs he doesn't sell due to music sharing. Studio recordings are not where artists typically make their money anyway.
  19. Maybe there should be a separate Parks & Recreation thread. Separate from the Community thread, at least.
  20. And this is why it's not a funny joke. If it requires this much explanation and/or discussion, it doesn't work.
  21. It would be more amazing if it were a joke that anyone outside of New England actually got. And I'm even old enough to remember Phil Esposito. I figured they were referring to him, but I still don't really understand why this is funny. All that aside, I would totally eat a sandwich at that place.
  22. I get all that, but there's what seems to be a punch line referring to an "Esposito." That's what I'm asking about.
  23. Finally decided to get the Deluxe package. Not sure it's worth the extra $10, but for $28.99 I certainly don't feel like they're ripping me off.
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