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Everything posted by markosis

  1. Thanks. I'm glad someone else liked that one (It gave me a chuckle when I typed it).
  2. Pants, Pants Away Pants by Pants
  3. Misunderpants (who is the cheater that is looking at the backs of cd cases? there has to be at least one)
  4. markosis


    or "Less Than You Think." Yeah, cause SNL gives all the musical guests 15 minutes.
  5. Damnit, you stole mine! Company In My Pants Remember The Mountain Pants Summerpants
  6. That is why I despise them to no end. If we could stop labeling music and simply LISTEN, the world (and the art/music world) would be such a better place. And the same could be said about other labels (racial/political/religious etc). Labels only serve to divide people. Get rid of the labels and all we have is our own judgement, not a predisposed opinion based on a label.
  7. I didn't vote in the poll, but that singer sounds WAY too much like Jim James. I'd just as soon listen to My Morning Jacket. The music, however, is good and unique. They're a pretty good band, but the vocal similarity kind of puts a damper on me checking them out or buying an album.
  8. Wilco is a rock and roll band; a band that epitomizes rock and roll in the current era. They need no further classification, as far as I'm concerned. Though I wasn't around for The Band or The Who in their respective primes, I feel that Wilco took the torch from them. And really, what do you need to call The Band and The Who besides rock and roll?
  9. markosis


    One last thing before I go to bed: Pat had a real Wurlitzer. That's awesome.
  10. markosis


    I was hoping they were gonna do that one. And how it devolves into a bunch of noise at the end, it would have been a nice little bit of weirdness to scare the normals with.
  11. Well, therein lies a big problem for me. If we could all get past these insidious labels placed upon music mainly by the music industry (whose sins I need not reiterate), our appreciation of music (art) could increase tenfold because we wouldn't be so worried about what we're supposed to like based upon our musical demographic. But we're preprogrammed. We see something an album labeled as "classic rock" and because of our affinity for "alternative" we think said album is "safe." What is the criteria for "classic rock", "alternative", or "safe" music? There is none. Its all smoke and mirr
  12. markosis


    In the performance of Hate It Here, someone hits a really funky note in the first chorus, and afterwards you can catch Mikael sharing a laugh with Glenn and Jeff about the screw-up. Great moment. As for the performances, after watching a couple of times, you really have to take into account the crappy "mixed for tv" sound and the lame "theatrical" camera angles and pans. The performances were tight as hell. But the way it's presented doesn't do any musician justice, really. Unless its a lame ass pop star or some such garbage, that stuff is created for that kind of environment.
  13. Who in god's name would even want to see Van Morrison in concert these days, let alone download a show? His voice is shot. Go home to Ireland, old man, you're done.
  14. Wonderful EP from the master there. Very glad I was able to discover it. Based on my research, its been horribly overlooked, which is sad because there's some of his best work on it.
  15. markosis


    Ok, when are we gonna see videos? I wasn't able to watch.
  16. markosis


    For some reason, "Via Chicago" seems rather appropriate for SNL, to me anyway. It'll never happen, though. "I dreamed about killing you again last night"...wouldn't go over well on national TV. Sadly.
  17. They're in a wierd limbo now where they'll sell out a place like the Tower in Philly in 10 minutes, but the majority of people I talk to still have no clue Wilco exists.
  18. Oh my god, that was hilarious. Thanks for those clips. It makes me wonder if the boys will make it into a sketch. That would be the greatest thing ever. Maybe Jeff could be "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer" or something. Or just make Nels do something, it'll be funny.
  19. I can't comment on the flying anxiety thing. I love flying. The part I hate is the feeling after landing, after being up in the air and so close to weightlessness and then you're back on the boring old ground, its like a huge let down and I don't know how to feel. Sorry, that was of no help whatsoever.
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