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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Here I am at the Neko Case ACL taping in 03. This is the opening shot on the DVD. About a year later, at ACL Fest: Do we detect a pattern here?
  2. Are people who will only buy bluray gonna be dazzled by really, really sharp black and white grains? Will Jeff's puke actually stain your carpet?
  3. Looting in Philly for . . . luggage? Maybe they have a big trip coming up?
  4. just in case you missed it: and hurrah for charlie!!!
  5. Glad I could make it on page 45.
  6. So what's the biggest question for Phils fans right now? Click.
  7. The original CD, to my ears, sounded reprocessed, like the monkey that Jeff Goldblum turned inside-out in "The Fly." It sounded like the wanted to isolate all of the parts, rather than find the best mix. Of course, the only ones I bought were Rubber Soul and Revolver - been waiting for a reissue upgrade.
  8. Absolutely. You don't pull your best pitcher out of a tie game after six innings when he's only allowed five hits and has a low pitch count. Maybe in the 7th, probably in the 8th, but not in the 6th.
  9. Well, who knows how Hamels will react to throwing on 1 day rest? Plus the Phils' pen has been solid - they really only need 6-7 innings tops from a starter. If they use Hamels and they don't win, he's done. I just don't think you gain that much putting Hamels out there for an inning or two. Which isn't death, because they come back with Myers and Joe "The Lumber" Blanton (I think that was my bro's headline in the Philly Daily News). At the same time, how will relievers react to being the first pitchers of the night? Should be inneresting. I'm pulling for the Phils cause I'm off tomorrow, t
  10. Socialist-Muslim Barack Hussain Obama forces Americans to stand in the cold rain.
  11. More likely they'd save him for a possible Game 7 on Friday.
  12. Soooooo adorable!!!! Palin-Jackson 2012!!!
  13. Remember Victoria Jackson from SNL about 20 years ago? "I don't want a political label, but Obama bears traits that resemble the anti- Christ and I'm scared to death that un- educated people will ignorantly vote him into office. "You see, what bothers me most, besides being a Communist, and a racist (Obama writes in his book, From Dreams of My Father, "I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and and animosity against my (white) mother's race.") (Obama's "religion" of the last 20 years is Black Liberation Theology. What is that? "It is simply Marxism dressed up in Christi
  14. Game 5 to resume Wednesday following the 6th-inning streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch
  15. To be playing a championship game in those conditions was a complete joke. If they hadn't added all those no-travel off days in the earlier rounds, this thing would have been done last Sunday at the latest.
  16. Was kinda nice watching the ninth inning and the only concern being "DO NOT walk anybody!"
  17. Ed forgot the punchline: Thomas got up, brushed off and asked Ashburn, "What the hell's a yellow tango?"
  18. This is getting way too deep. Can't we go back to: "My side rules!!! Your side drools!!!"?
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