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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Order in Quarters issued by General George Washington, November 5, 1775: As the Commander in Chief has been apprized of a design form
  2. I'd start a "Draft Cheney" campaign, but then he'd need a sixth deferment.
  3. Besides the fact that I'm a dickhead moron (that's ok, I started the name-calling), I guess my sentiment was derived from my sense that the Democrats in congress will always cave. And I foolishly keep hoping they'll prove me wrong
  4. It's cool when artists like stuff you like, too. From Megan Hickey's mobile phone travelogue: A break in touring, so I cooked for the first time in a month, caught up on episodes of
  5. At least that's what Andrew Sullivan sez: Schumer and Feinstein Surrender They both intend to vote for Mukasey, despite his refusal to state that torture, as practised by this administration, is illegal. Every time the Democrats fold on these matters, Cheney tucks a precedent under his belt. Every time they cave into their cowardice and fear, another critical part of our liberty disappears. These precedents are designed to destroy the rule of law and replace it with the rule of a Decider. And they will last for ever, as will the right to torture, because this war is for ever. This is how d
  6. Hey, can't wait! Let's see, when's it on in Cleveland? Saturday night, PBS, uh . . . 5 a.m. Sunday. Shit, it's up against Davy and Goliath!
  7. A&E needs to sneak in to the History Channel and get all that Hitler footage back.
  8. Also, Wilco was itself ironic in that it would not comply with Reprise's wishes over YHF. However, Wilco was complying with what it believed was right. So there you go.
  9. because tonight's episode really, really sucked.
  10. If you and your friend were talking about how the Decemberists never cancel shows, it was "ironic." Otherwise, it's "coincidental." Sorry. When I was a copy editor, I was always changing that.
  11. That was politics, just like the Clintons would have played it. It's not like the right planted Bill's DNA on that dress, like the LA cops did with OJ. That's what happens when you make a mess. He got caught with his pecker hanging out, he flat DENIED it while wagging his finger at us, then he got busted by the stain. Did the republicans blow it way outta proportion? Yes. Did Clinton give them hand them that opening, first by diddling the intern, then wagging his finger? Absolutely. Alls he had to do was keep his pecker in his pants (he knew everybody was watching) and he'd be OK. But he could
  12. That's the brilliance of the Hannity campaign. He's not really trying to stop her, he's trying to fire up her support and assure her nomination. Any other Democrat would win the general election in a landslide, even my own congressman, Dennis Kucinich (what is it about Ohio Democrats and outer space? Godspeed, Congressman K!).
  13. That's how I felt until Favourite Colours, which is a terrific CD.
  14. I was gonna put a sexy picture here, but I feel bad for her and didn't wanna trivialize the story. Hingis says she is accused of testing positive for cocaine; retires from tennis By SHEILA NORMAN-CULP, Associated Press Writer November 1, 2007 ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) -- Martina Hingis said Thursday she has been accused of testing positive for cocaine at Wimbledon, and then announced her retirement from professional tennis. Hingis, a five-time Grand Slam champion and former Wimbledon winner, denied using cocaine. "I find this accusation so horrendous, so monstrous that I've decided to c
  15. For once, I think I agree with Hannity (though I question his sincerity). A Clinton nomination would mean one of two things: Four more years of Republican administration (the right is banking on it) or four more years of the Clintons and their BS. I mean, how can someone who uttered the words "vast right-wing conspiracy" be capable of governing effectively? Am I wrong, or am I wrong?
  16. and the tension just drains from my mind and body.
  17. Gayest Shakespeare charactor: Iago. Ever noticed how much cross-dressing went on in The Bard's plays?
  18. So no more of this "long suffering" crap, right?
  19. This from macworld.com Adobe outlines its Leopard compatibility By Jim Dalrymple Adobe, one of Apple
  20. I have an upgrade coming ($9.95 cause I got my IMac this month - kinda sucks that you have to buy the whole thing if you're already running Tiger and have had your Mac for over a month). There could be some issues with Indesign, which I am currently learning, so I'll wait until those are sorted before I install the upgrade.
  21. I got the first box set when it came out in about 98 and I still haven't watched the whole thing.
  22. I got four tickets to all three World Series games at Wrigley Field in 1989 (seats were $20, I think) just by hitting re-dial and getting through three times. and I was in Daytona! Was gonna finance the trip selling the extras in Chicago. That's about as close as I've ever been to the World Series, besides picking up the deputy sports editor outside Jacobs Field during Game 5 in '97 (Dave Lidecka RIP, miss ya, bud).
  23. Well, my tax dollars are going to good use!
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