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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. And don't forget his star turn in Back To School. A true great. RIP.
  2. So . . . this isn't about the accuser in the Duke Lacrosse case?
  3. Probably the best thing that could happen on both sides. Just talkin' out my ass, how long could you expect a young, talented guy like Jason to be satisfied as a junior partner in DBT? Let's face it: this is about as good as it's gonna get for the more "seasoned" Hood/Cooley. So Jason gets antsy, gets divorced from the bass player (couples and bands never a good mix), and the tension on the bus, in the studio, on stage becomes unmanageable. So now Jason gets to see where his talent can take him, and the Truckers carry on without so much emotional baggage. and if they wanna play with someone t
  4. Indians vs. Angels at Milwaukee tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday - all seats only $10!!! Come out and see some good baseball!
  5. I think in Beatles Anthology George Harrison said he didn't enjoy the Sgt. Pepper sessions - too much production, sitting around, liked r.soul/revolver sessions much better. Ringo spent most of his time reading magazines.
  6. "To Live's To Fly: The Ballad Of The Late, Great Townes Van Zandt" by John Kruth. Suck on this tasty morsel on songwriting from Guy Clark: "It's more like how close can you cut it to your own bone? Did you break your own heart? Did you scare the shit out of yourself? That's what matters."
  7. Yeah, but what the heck kinda name is Townes? Oh, right. Nevermind.
  8. I'm listening to the new Graham Parker that I picked up at the Bloodshot party at SXSW, and got signed by Graham - who played my request, Hotel Chambermaid. First track sounds solid. From this article in the Austin Chronicle, Graham seems to like it (wonder if he's ever heard of Wayne Coyne, though). Spotlight: Graham Parker 11pm, 18th Floor @ the Hilton BY MICHAEL BERTIN Come to South by Southwest, play to a room packed silly with A&R types, Rock. Get assaulted with business cards after the show, be knee deep in hookers and blow within six months. Live the dream, right? That's the poi
  9. A couple of shows I saw in the last week that show my age but are really worth seeking out: Chris Difford doing acoustic set mostly Squeeze stuff (which I kinda prefer, the full-band versions feel pretty dated to me), and the Roches, who have their first new album in 12 years out this week, are touring with all 3 sisters. Worth seeing if just for their amazing version of Hallelujah Chorus (which I kinda perfer, the Handel version feels pretty dated to me). Note: just noticed Difford's tour's about up - chicago tonight, milwaukee Sunday.
  10. Thursday in Cleveland Chris Difford dedicated a song to Mr. Inman - can't remember which it was, Cool for Cats, maybe, but it was originally about Benny Hill.
  11. I'm there. And they're at about 4-5 other places in Austin next week.
  12. Bring 'em on! And on! And on! And on! And on! And on! Shock and Awe rules!
  13. "I'm not hearing a single." - WB Suit.
  14. Think I'd go with some David Allen Coe.
  15. Just got back from the Roches show. What I miss?
  16. Sorry to bore you. I'll try harder, promise.
  17. And I mean that only in the most masculine way, of course.
  18. What I like is the reaction from the CPAC audience: Slight gasp, ohhhhh, ahhhhhhh (oh, what the fuck) BIG CHEERS!
  19. I meant Nonesuch, of course.
  20. Well, my sister tutored the kid who played Fugit's character as a little boy in Almost Famous. So there.
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