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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Sorry, I was in class during that portion of the RTT and I didn't look through everything i missed.
  2. that conversation is a train wreck, and im going to choose to look away.
  3. I love Kyle Chandler from Early edition days. Almost a man crush, but not quite. Anyways, with all these glowing reviews and nels cline references going around, im going to have to check this one out.
  4. Im from chicago, I live in LA, and i've been to Austin, and I vote Austin. It's a real cool place. But LA's not as bad as they make it out to be. As far as art museums go, the location of the getty alone is worth going, and they always have cool stuff. Getty Villa is supposed to be pretty sweet as well, though I haven't been. LACMA's not bad either.
  5. Well, the GOP has been pederesting on its laurels for long time as it is anyhow.
  6. I think this is a ripe time for some savvy business man to come out with the Dildo Launcher 2300 ™. So, the next time you are caught with a dildo you can just say "No, no, no, officer, this is just ammunition for my weapon. I'm an avid beaver hunter!"
  7. Only Steers and Queers come from texas. But most politicians have horns....
  8. The Late (and great) Buster Keaton
  9. They are awesome, Live and in Studio.
  10. I'm watching a talk by Jane Goodall right now. She's a pretty cool lady, if I do so say so myself.
  11. Jeff mentions it like 20 times a shows.
  12. woah, i never noticed those....Thanks! Also, yes. Meth.
  13. when threads are a poll, they don't get darkly shaded when there are new posts. is this a personal problem, or a real one?
  14. watched this one for the first time last night. I already loved wayne, but yeah, this made me like him like 10 times more.
  15. No, I was being serious. Its in that NPR interview with Jeff from a few months back, I bet its still online.
  16. Jeff said they weren't going to play New York again for a while after what happened last time.
  17. my girlfriend used to use that excuse all the time.
  18. My thoughts and prayers.
  19. very cool! and do you pronounce the "o" or is it silent?
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_folk_music
  21. I went to Chipotle earlier and bumped into: yessssssss.
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