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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Also, it was a nice touch that they had a grammy sitting on their equipment.
  2. Wow, I thought they we're kidding when they said it was called "The Wilco Song." Really fun tune, and Jeff nailed the interview.
  3. While introducing the show, Colbert said this of the Wilco interview... "...Their real fans will listen to the interview on vinyl"
  4. Indeed. That and Blink are my favorite. Good thing they realized that and made Steven Moffat the head writer.
  5. http://www.chicagotribune.com/chi-jennifer...0,4574957.story wow.
  6. what with future wives and future regenerations of the doctor meeting the current doctor, they are just asking for continuity problems. Not that thats ever really bothered Doctor Who fans.
  7. I'm on the waiting list to get into the actual event, but I sort of just want to be around Grant Park on Tuesday....anyone else thinking of being downtown near the HQ?
  8. I just voted, and assured Barack's victory in Illinois.
  9. I was on a plane all day so i missed most of your birthday....but happy birthday!
  10. Given this weeks results, I think there is going to be a Buckeye-Trojan rematch in Los Angles this January. Ohio State should come out second in the Big Ten, and provided Penn State wins out and Alabama or Texas loses, they should be in the title game. Which leaves the Rose Bowl to the Buckeyes. With Beanie healthy and Pryor improving over the season, I'm sure it'll be a much better game. On the other hand, if Texas and Alabama win out, Penn State vs. USC is a game i'd like to see. (this is all assuming my boys don't choke again against some lousy Pac 10 team...)
  11. Happy birthday, Kim - It was a pleasure to meet you and brad earlier this year. I know you'd rather be celebrating your birthday by being at Wrigley today, but they'll get there soon enough!!
  12. they started 20 minutes before her but she ran 11 minutes faster than them, so she was 9 minutes behind them.
  13. one of my friends ran in that race. This ruling sucks.
  14. I just walked by pete Carroll, who was being driven around campus on a golf cart. He seemed to be in a good mood. That's my insider info for the day.
  15. Sounds like nothing compared to the great Boston Molasses Disaster.
  16. What you are describing is a Kernel Panic, and I too haven't had one of those happen in over a year. Unless you have some unique software on your computer that you installed on both computers, it does sound like you have gotten unlucky. Sorry to hear it.
  17. Yeah, i heard it as well. It was in the show for less than a second...
  18. I don't understand how you could get sick of commercials that only air 3 times every commercial break.
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