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Everything posted by OOO

  1. 8. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) $52.34 million (from the article)
  2. He lives in a swing state, thus its more important that he gets the free swag. Illinois isn't going to be a problem winning, so if people want buttons, then they're going to pay!
  3. You really can't compare two people's level of generosity... For example, Bill Gates may not believe in heaven when he donates a billion dollars, but he's also not really inconveniencing himself in any way when he donates. He still has billions of dollars more and will be able to buy whatever he wants for the rest of his life. If everybody could just push a button somewhere that donated a billion dollars to charity without affecting their life at all, most people would do it.
  4. I happen to have the same pin and was wearing it around tonight like this...
  5. Well I'm almost 100% certain they have no interest in doing anything with it, and theres not much they could do with it, but if they really tried... For example, I have lots of my original songs in my iTunes Library, including rough cuts and stuff i never released. If someone looked through my library, they could figure out what my name is. Furthermore, I have songs in my library that I didnt pay for. Maybe they are labeled slightly incorrectly or something which might tips someone off that they were downloaded not from the iTunes music store. So, in theory apple could send my info
  6. It's worked very well for me so far, but like Spawn's dad said, you are sending a record of the entire contents of your library to Apple's servers, albeit anonymously (so they say).
  7. just remember, no matter how good it might look, don't eat your iPhone.
  8. Pandora is a radio station tailored to your likes and dislikes. You start off by putting in one or a couple artists that you like, and it will play a song by the artist. It will then go through its database of songs and play you a song it thinks you will like. You give the songs thumbs up or thumbs down, and it eventually gets to be very good at playing you music you might like. Its a good option when you feel like listening to stuff thats not on your iPhone.
  9. couple other cool things...since the iPhone automatically knows which way you are holding it, if you take a picture with the camera sideways, it will automatically rotate it for you, and you won't have to do it when you put it on your computer. Facebook and Twitter are nice apps, I also use the AIM application. Aurora Feint is a really cool free puzzle game. Pandora works very well, and AOL radio will use your location to give you a list of radio stations to listen in your area. As far as zooming in, you can either use the pinch/stretch method or double click on areas of the browser.
  10. I am going to make a bold assertion and say that at least one team from Los Angeles or Chicago will be in the World Series.
  11. -If you hold down the "home" button and then click the "hold" button on the top-right of the iPhone, the iPhone will flash white once. This means that its just taken a screenshot of whatever you have on the screen. Maybe you want to show off your high score on the highly addictive game Tris, or want to post a totally awesome text message conversation you just had. In any event, the screenshot is now in your "Photos" application under "camera roll" -Seriously, download Shazam and wow all your friends. (see above) -If you are listening to music on the earbuds that come with the iPhone, yo
  12. I have a tip: don't use your wall charger, because they are being recalled. http://www.apple.com/support/usbadapter/exchangeprogram/
  13. I really, really enjoyed John Stewart and Tony Blair debating the war on terror.
  14. Yep, that's me. I spent most of this July in Peru. We took the train to aguas calientes and walked up to machu pichu. I assume you are talking about actually hiking the inca trail to machu pichu, which we didn't do, because it's a really busy trail. Instead, we hiked to the remote ruins of choquequirao. The gentlemen who set up the trip/guides for us was outstanding. (Here's his website) I would recomend this option if you want to hike.
  15. this will be pulled by NBC soon, no doubt, but we finally get to see Tina Fey's Palin impression (it's quite good) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nMuR1TFq1s
  16. It's early in the season and if your one loss is to USC, you are still in the running for the championship game. Like Crow Daddy kind of said, a lot of people will be hesitant to put Ohio State in the game because of the last two championship games and this game with USC, but I think there are a lot of situations where you could get back into the top 2. If a two loss team can get into the top 2, there's nothing to worry about yet. I'm proud of my Trojans, though. (Fight on)
  17. two times the fun! Yeah, I'll definitely keep it around for then. Thanks! I think they picked out cool names too. Jimmy Finn's has a bad-ass name for getting into knife fights in his street gang. By the way...one cool thing is they both have their own birthday. Jimmy came out at 11:30PM on the 9th, but Maeve took her time and has the 10th all to herself.
  18. I love you scott, but the way these threads are going, this is certainly not the home stretch!
  19. I hadn't thought of that yet, but its not a bad idea. At this point I think they would both take a look at the suit then fall back asleep (they do a lot of that)
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