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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I was going to ask to come with you, but I don't like Mr. Show, so I doubt we'd get along.
  2. and they are trying to squeeze too much money out of the franchise by turning it into 2 movies.
  3. oh i agree. I dugg the peter jackson story last night, and i know that you view that site, so i just figured thats where you saw it.
  4. Lou Gehrig was the last truly genuine athlete, and thats why Bud Selig had him killed.
  5. The glow in the dark miniature golf place that is in the same center as that theater is lame.
  6. I would like to see a CGI wesley willis whup christian bales ass on screen.
  7. My understanding is that Harvey Dent will be Harvey Dent for almost all of the movie.
  8. I believe the two face story arc will be heavily from The Long Halloween not only because it's christian bales favorite batman story, but also because the line "I believe in harvey dent" from that comic has been used in the promotion of the film.
  9. There are plenty of other universities that do the same thing though. USC introduces itself as THE University of Southern California, even though their are plenty of other fine universities around the area. Like Cal Tech. But not UCLA. I think it sounds less awkward/conceited if university is the first word. Like The University of Michigan or the University of Illinois. oh well.
  10. Oh great Narziss, we need your golden sickle!!!! Happy birthday!
  11. Tikibar TV is pretty popular (this is a video podcast you can find in iTunes, just type tikibar into the search thing), mostly because the girl in it is fairly attractive and they teach you how to make good drinks.
  12. How about instead of having one of those "type in the random letters" things, they play you a 10 second clip of a wilco song, and then you type the exact name of the song. (or you pick from a list of 100 wilco songs) This gets rid of most scalpers and spambots. ...and it'd be fun.
  13. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?s=&...t&p=1012549
  14. OOO


    Whoever opens a thread also has the power to close it.
  15. 1. House of Cards - Radiohead 2. Unguided - The New Pornographers 3. Apartment Story - The National 4. You are my Face - Wilco 5. Peacebone - Animal Collective 6. Now, Now - St. Vincent No real order
  16. OOO


    I believe he is emailing or messaging people on stubhub/ebay (they might have an email listed so people can ask them questions) and saying rude things to them.
  17. Yeah, I'm not 100% clear on what the organizing check thing necessarily does, so yeah, feel free to keep it check, i dunno.
  18. OOO


    The auditorium, Millenium Park, Lollapalooza were all very large shows and there will be many more in chicago, so I for one am glad that they are doing a smaller standing room only theater. I didn't get a 5 day pass but yeah, I don't really see the point in whining too much about this.
  19. What What! Yeah, there should be a way of having iTunes do this for you, definitely. I guess I thought it would be safe to uncheck those because if you import the files from their new location I have a feeling iTunes will be silly and make a new iTunes folder and copy all your music into it, so you'll have double the files.
  20. Alright, heres something you can do. First, go to File -> preferences -> Advanced and make sure "Keep iTunes music Organized" and "copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library" are UNchecked If you have these checked, when you add the files back into the library iTunes is probably going to make duplicates of the music files somewhere. Alright, so now what you can do if you'd like is delete all your songs with exclamations next to them and then go to File->Add to Library... Then select the folder that contains all your music. This should automatically go through al
  21. This is exactly what I did. See you there.
  22. yikes! he was quite good as the O-coordinator on the other side of town!
  23. I am going on wednesday. boo hoo.
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