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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I parked on the streets for free last time i saw them there.....
  2. I am sorry I didn't get to meet any VCers , but the show rocked. I've seen wilco so many times and this was the first time they played my song, Pot Kettle Black. The second encore was just too good! Awesome, awesome poster, Johnny!
  3. I know a few of the VCers won soundcheck tickets on XRT last month so i doubt its open to the public.
  4. I think we just robbed san diego of a touchdown.
  5. Perhaps this is Navy's year to break the 43 year losing streak?
  6. You could have posted this here Or here The moderation team at Via Chicago is getting pretty fed up with people posting threads with identical topics over and over, so we're going to start a new system of starting threads in "Just a Fan" Before being able to start new threads, you'll have to go here, click on the "Send Message" button, and ask Analogman if a thread on the topic you wish to discuss is already on the servers. If you have a genuinely new topic, Analogman will grant you thread creating privileges for one hour, which will then be automatically retracted after the hour is up.
  7. I was going to say that! Plus I love his stand up.
  8. http://wilcoworld.net/photos/contest/winners/index.html
  9. No Torchwood news that I've heard except that James Marsters from Buffy is going to be in it. However, the BBC just announced that the sarah jane smith adventures should start airing this month. I didn't watch the pilot so I can't really comment, but.... story here
  10. As much as I love how the iPhone/iPod touch works, the whole point of the mp3 player for me is to have EVERYTHING on it... So i do think the classic sounds nice.
  11. Good/bad news all in one here The good news is: 4th season production is going fine, and a 4th season christmas special and a fifth season are confirmed by the BBC HOWEVER the bad news: 4th season airs in 2008 and the fifth season airs in 2010, which means a year long break from our beloved Doctor. but to make sure we're all not chomping on the bit too much, there will be 3 Dr. Who specials aired throughout 2009 directed by Russel T. Davies. Not so sure I am in love with the idea, but happy to see we have at least 2 more seasons on the way. Official Press Release
  12. I don't think my team deserves such an overwhelming amount of 1st place votes, as I'm not convinced we are THAT good. I mean we're really good, but I'm not confident we're that much stronger than some of the other teams. Only time will tell.
  13. This was real close, but the answer we were looking for was: "Have you tried cialis?"
  14. I liked this album a lot, but then forgot about it. I recently spun it up and its still good.
  15. Bowel Movement which means POOP!
  16. Happy Birthday!!! Looking forward to seeing the artwork (and the artist?) on September 12th!!
  17. If it makes you feel any better, its likely that Notre Dame will score similarly.
  18. I checked out my seats today since I was strolling through the park. Things look fun!
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