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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I think its possible that they get a thrill out of being on the Tonight Show.
  2. If you check the songlengths on Sky Blue Sky, the Tonight Show format doesn't give them the choices of the louder songs. Great performance!!
  3. well right, but they wrote it down on the setlist like that after they met the guy:
  4. Jay said he was on the show a couple weeks ago, so they don't need to hear his background since he told about it already.
  5. congrats! My prediction is: Since last time they were on the Leno show, with Christopher Walken, they named a song after him... They will name a song on the next album "Mo' Rock, UH"
  6. Ninjas made the color schemes of his last 2 avatars match mine, and now people are confusing the two of us!!!!! lysistratasmith even PMed me asking me for a foot massage once im done with the family of bats in the storage room!!
  7. thats the one with the little fellow?
  8. I am going to watch Clint's two war movies tonight: + (or maybe ill make it a two night thing....we'll see)
  9. You're right. Los Angeles isn't so far.
  10. In the grand scheme of things, when the intergalactic laser satellite array prevents earth from being destroyed by moon sized asteroids in 2183, the earth will be pleased. Furthermore, when, in the year 4.5 billion, the sun begins to expand and threatens to engulf the earth in a firey inferno (look this up), we divert the earths orbit with quantum accelerators and inertial dampeners, then too will earth be proud of her monkey children. Trees are fine and all, but in the long term they aren't really going to protect the earth.
  11. So if Owen Wilson and some fertilized embyros were in a burning building, you'd pick the embyros?
  12. His sarcasm is starting to sound more and more like a Cage:
  13. I think my friend said she might have been bit by one of these. And try as she might, she couldn't get rid of the itch. Mighty annoying, so she tells me.
  14. 11:35PM - 12:35AM is when it airs in LA i believe. The band usually starts around 12:26ish id say.
  15. I was honestly expecting the first reply to be "Gram Parsons". I'd vote for Ryan Adams if I was to choose.
  16. Wilcoworld sends out emails every now and then to their mailing list, and this was a midsummer update on things. The ending date may have changed since they sent it out, for all I know. However, support@wilcoworld.net is open for questions about the site, you could try emailing that address, its probably the same people.
  17. You see guys, the bottles of uranium are actually just a MacGuffin. I guess you didn't catch that.
  18. you see what I mean? At any rate, here's what they said in the original email about the contest: "deadline for submissions is September 4 (though we may announce some winners earlier)."
  19. Be wary of anything llynnowens say to you about the contest. She is the early favorite to win the grand prize, and she'll do anything to ensure she wins!!
  20. I take guitar lessons on wednesdays, and my teacher today informed me that in 2 weeks he won't be able to make it, seeing as he is going to a certain concert. Which worked out nicely for me, since I also happen to be going to that same certain concert.
  21. Never had sex without birth control + condom. (but i don't get around that much, either)
  22. Not that anyone cares, but theres a radio spot for this show
  23. he's hanging out in the abortion thread
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