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Everything posted by OOO

  1. yeah i watched this a few days ago. A couple blogs/sites were doing transcriptions of the event live, before the event was out on videotape, and i was following it live. It's really amazing to be able to hear those guys reminiscing about the good old days. I've been a Steve Jobs/Apple fan for as long as I can remember. I'm seriously hardcore about it, but I'd have to say Bill Gates comes across as a much nicer guy. But we knew that already.
  2. Congrats to the winner! He sounds handsome and dashing!
  3. I always enjoy reading that blog However "At last count the thread was 49 pages long and contained 971 posts." doesn't seem to be accurate.
  4. I'm counting down the days until september!
  5. OOO

    Wilco Loft

    this is accurate.
  6. http://abc.go.com/fallpreview/cavemen/
  7. I assume you are referencing the fact that they are making a caveman TV show based around the geico caveman TV ads. While I appreciate your optimism about the show and will concede that "caveman ordering duck with mango salsa" is pretty funny, I don't think it's a concept with enough legs to base a whole show on.
  8. He was asking about week #2, not the debut. But yes, #4 is the highest they've ever been.
  9. [analog] http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...&hl=youtube [/analog]
  10. It's ok I was mostly joking; my favorite part is "...Listening too long to one song" and as far as NP albums, I lean towards Mass Romantic, although I have been listening to Slow Wonder a lot recently. Not that that is a New Pornographer's album...
  11. unless he's got direct deposit
  12. He's saying "selling out" has everything to do with Tweedy's principles, and nothing to do with yours.
  13. Mr. Saxon...I am looking forward to your season finale!
  14. That's just not true.
  15. I think what is rubbing people the wrong way on both sides is people expressing their opinion as fact. I'm not directing this at you in particular, but some people are saying that selling music for a commercial does cheapen art. However, the actually truth is, as you've stated in the part I quoted: Selling music for a commercial cheapens the art for a significant portion of the fanbase. The other side of the argument (myself included) are equally guilty of stating opinion as fact: i.e. No one should care about this at all, it's not a big deal because it doesn't bother me and I can enjoy th
  16. Pete Townshend sings so much on The Who's albums!
  17. Beltmann, I wish I had had you as a teacher.
  18. I remember that commercial vividly but didn't know wilco back then...thanks for that!
  19. I completely agree, and thank you!
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