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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Atlanta won't trade Kovalchuck. He's their franchise. If he doesn't resign you can bet that they're going to KHL. It'd be a mistake for the Bruins to make huge changes just cause of a slow start... you have to wait these things out. They're a good team, they'll figure it out.
  2. Dudes this is quickly approaching. This leaves just one question... which character is most deserving of their own spinoff?! I vote for Sayid. It could be a sitcom!
  3. Nothing in it should be that bad. Then again, I saw Predator when I was 5 years old and I had nightmares for a good 7 years after that (no lie). So it might depend on how well your child does with large, furry, monsters. What would bother me, if I had kids, would be what a downer film it is. Kids don't like sadness... do they? Personally, I'd take my kids to Zombieland, in case there is a Zombie apocalypse and I don't survive... you know, so they can figure out what to do.
  4. This was really bad. No one should take their child to see this movie, I can't see a kid liking this. In fact, I can't see anyone liking it. Nothing happens. It looks pretty good visually, but it's pretty much just 2 hours of character introduction and than the credits. Doesn't explain much of anything. Nothing is accomplished. Nothing is explained. It's as if they got a cool director, the chick from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs to write the soundtrack, and Tony Soprano and then didn't bother making the rest of the movie. Stay away.
  5. I believe that happened a few decades ago......
  6. Agreed, Boston shouldn't be losing to a team like the Islanders. Vancouver will do that all the time, one night they'll beat the easily Red Wings and then the next night they'll struggle against the Coyotes. You have to play each team with the same level of intensity. Just noticed that they also lost to the Avs though Maybe the Avalanche are a good team this year?! How'd Duchene look? Canucks are looking good without Daniel Sedin. Glad this injury happened this season and not a few years ago, as both Sedins are a lot more well-rounded now, Henrik especially has emerged as a true number on
  7. Probably George but you never know.... Bob's finger prints are all over that album and, for years, Clapton went uncredited on George's records (and vice versa, I believe).. so maybe Bob did too. Maybe...
  8. Depends where he goes with the lineup. If Alex Burrows and Anson Carter can get 30 goals with the Sedins, logic says Sammy should at least equal that.... Plus, I think he brings a lot more to the lineup than just points. Experience, grit, heart, he's more of a North American style player than European.
  9. Wilco has never played within 8 hours of my city. I'm allowed to bitch. Get off your high horse, man.
  10. Again, Vancouver only just as I predicted. I love Wilco but Jeff and the boys should be ashamed of themselves. And yeah, an outdoor show during the Olympics.. free no less? Great... Let's start a petition! A grass roots movement! Let's do it!
  11. Samuelsson was brought in because they thought that he could do one of two things. 1) be a 25 goal, 50 point, gritty 2nd line winger, which I do believe is possible. He'd fit in well with the likes of Kesler and Burrows. 2) play with the Sedins as the first line right winger, since they played together during the Olympics (and they had all sorts of chemistry) and he seems like the perfect linemate for them. However, Burrows is doing very well with the Sedins to start the season off (no doubt, he is one of the best players in the league ) which is forcing Samuelsson to stay on the second line.
  12. For me it's a three way tie between Being There, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, and A Ghost Is Born. Actually, Foxtrot probably wins because it was very important to my development as, not only a music listener, but a musician as well. It changed everything for me.
  13. No. They could totally use Sundin. That'd push Ryan Kesler to the right wing, where he's much better offensively. That'd also drop someone like Shirokov or Samuelsson to the third line, Raymond to the fourth. All of a sudden the team is a lot deeper offensively. But really, most "elite" goaltenders start off slow... time is all the Canucks need. But until then my heart will not mend :'(
  14. No but I was just saying, SNL has always had its funny bits and it's duds. I just don't find coked out John Belushi to be any funnier than Andy Samberg.
  15. Personally I think the best thing to happen in the early seasons of SNL was when George Harrison performed with Paul Simon.
  16. [insert funny joke about Pat "20 Cent" Kane here]
  17. This must be what parenthood feels like. I'm constantly nervous/disappointed/stressed out.
  18. Hearing old dudes talk about SNL makes me sad. Is Jim John Belushi running around in a bee costume really more funny than "Lazy Sunday", "Dick In A Box", or Tina Fey's Sarah Pallin impression? No. Not at all.
  19. They're a group (or you might say... BAND) of musicians playing together.. aka BAND. Hope to hear some recordings of these guys... but I won't spoil it with poor quality YouTube videos.
  20. No doubt. Makes you question the management of Tony and co that after 15 years, they've only played in BC ten times (three times in the past 5 years...) and only ever in the same city. Victoria and Kelowna could support a Wilco concert but that'll never happen.
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