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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. Do you live in an abandoned Medieval Times, or something?
  2. I get where you're coming from but this is kind of offensive.
  3. Apparently it's Mark Worrell. Renteria to Giants.
  4. You can probably delete the other thread you made. If you look at the threads for the other shows this tour it will give you an idea. One of them said Wilco came on at 8:05.
  5. Stop it. That new poster gallery is pretty rad, though.
  6. Scientist had to have smoked a little, right? How do you not? There's a lot of drug news this week, between this and the rumor that the Mumbai terrorists were fueled by LSD and blow.
  7. DBT definitely hasn't fallen off in quality. It's just that last time I saw them they were too mellow for me. I was really into it from soundcheck through through about 6 songs into their set, but after that I mostly hung out at the bar and talked to friends (which I never really do at shows). It didn't help that it was an outdoor show with no seating and a large distance between the bar and stage.
  8. This is from Microsoft.com. This is how to set up a vcf file to be sent everytime. Maybe this will help reverse it.
  9. Did you have the same english teacher as Panther? the horror
  10. Yeah, I didn't know if you meant it was a bad introduction, but you liked them or they're bad live or whatever. To each his own. I saw DBT recently for the first time and it was just ok. Seem like they would be alright on CD but a little boring for a live show. I'd really like to see The Hold Steady. I had Boys and Girls and wasn't that into it, but something clicked when I picked up their new one. It's one of my favorites this year.
  11. VERY good thing. There's not much better than drinking a Dogfish and hearing some Wilco. I'll have to make it to that brewery some time
  12. I'm probably going to get one of these: http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts- apparel/unisex/generic/ac0b/://http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts- a...x/generic/ac0b/
  13. I can't believe they answered. So, does it taste more like Dr. Pepper than a previous incarnation of Diet Dr. Pepper? Or does it mean it mean Diet Dr. Pepper tastes more like Dr. Pepper than Diet Dr. Pepper? Cause that's just silly. Now that you have a rapport with them maybe you can find this out: Can I refer to it as "Dr. Pepper Diet" or is that insider lingo only for Customer Relations staff?
  14. I've seen various names on the Braves side. The Braves are saying Jo-Jo Reyes is definitely not part of the trade even though his name has been thrown around. It looks like Tyler Flowers and Brent Lillibridge will definitely be in the package. Flowers is supposed to be a good prospect (power hitter that draws a lot of walks but some questions about his consistency as a catcher) and apparently the Sox GM was drooling over him. I've seen Lillibridge play quite a bit on TV and in person. He's kind of meh. Talked a lot about but hasn't produced. Other names I've heard is Jon Gilmore who has done a
  15. I agree with all of this. But computers can still be an option. There\'s nothing like turning a knob, but for a cheaper alternative, many of these synths have been turned into software. The interface is a picture of the old hardware and you can adjust any of the knobs by using your mouse. Arturia is the company that makes officially licensed versions for sale. You can probably also find some freeware that\'s comparable. Or you can always carry one of these around
  16. Pretty sure I heard Sequestered in Memphis on Fringe tonight.
  17. I'll let them off the hook if we get Wilco the DVD
  18. Laptop gnomes. You have to lure them out with bacon.
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