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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I remember reading the film editors had a hard time with Stage Fright and It Makes No Difference because they didn't want it to look like the tracks were overdubbed. That's why they're a lot of those great shots from behind Danko when he's singing.
  2. Interesting points from huffingtonpost (i know, i know) on McCain's decision to susend campaign/debate:
  3. If you read the original post in the voice of the movie preview guy, imagine the sound of a record stopping at "with a twist," and change "Beginning" to "Coming to the theatres," this is all pretty funny. Trust me it works. Other than that, it's pretty scary.
  4. Some of the comments on there are ridiculous
  5. 2 lane highway, dude's gotta keep up. That's definitely unsafe.
  6. I got an 8. I can live with that. Thanks for the test, but it kind of made my nauseous after a while
  7. "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence: a noun, a verb, and religion" no offense, just busting balls
  8. I definitely don't like it but it's not like I don't see it. The problem here is really the Smart Car basically, right?
  9. Yeah as long as he's in the right lane and doesn't have his right blinker on for 5 miles (like this geezer I was behind the other day) I don't see the problem
  10. The guy requesting Donovan tunes? That guy was obnoxious After HMD I yelled "Joy Division covers!". Some girl behind me booed because she thought I was requesting an actual Joy Division cover, but Tweedy said something to the effect of "I know what you're talking about"
  11. I like that venue. Saw Tweedy a couple years ago there
  12. It's called an aura I asked in the other thread if we can get some of these business's profits that we're taking over once they turn around. Obama's on my side I see: Today in Florida after eating aforementioned burger.
  13. News Flash: Obama eats burgers (take out though, kind of elitist), uses American currency
  14. Thanks A-man. I'm able to get this now instead of tomorrow when I'll get the email from Wilco HQ.
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