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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. In all seriousness, my friend Pete's birth certificate says this for his first name: Paul Peter
  2. Sorry I missed it. Pretty quality though. I'm surprised this guy hadn't been taken down longer. I've been hearing about this for a few years now.
  3. I agree that if we demanded better coverage, we'd get it. With all the sources of information these days, it seems like hands-on news digesters are getting their information from, at least partly, outside the mainstream media, while passive news fans are stuck with organizations and publications that are settling for the lowest common denominator. It sucks. I work at a newspaper and I'm watching it slowly get worse. More celebrity gossip, less funds to send reporters overseas. Veteran reporters are being bought out so that younger reporters who "get" the future of journalism (read inexperience
  4. So your kids are named Shit Diaper and Thumb Blower?
  5. Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain) is remaking RoboCop, slated for a 2010 release.
  6. Actually, I thought Bush didn't get enough for Katrina. It wasn't solely his fault but he was warned numerous times about levees breaking and about how bad it would be and he didn't give a shit. (about black people). FEMA deseverdedly gets a lot of crap but Brownie (heck of a job) was denied extra resources by Bush and Homeland Security. I don't know what difference it would have made but they could have at least tried. EDIT: But I agree that the press has totally dropped the ball on a lot of things. I was talking to someone today about how they ( particularly television) don't do their job
  7. I did a bunch of research the other day. Didn't save much of it but what I eneded up with is a Super 8. I'm gonna cab it. I wanted to be in walking distance but the hotel is about $100 cheaper. Usually I like to go all out but hard times.
  8. I always get them a day late. I emailed them and they said their system is shitty and a lot of people get them the next day.
  9. I'll have to check those out. That era is my favorite of Wilco as well.
  10. Wow. Thats plenty to chew on. Thanks
  11. Not liking it either. Pulls up a lot of crap.
  12. Who else is getting excited about the Jax show? Anyone have any recommendations for a place to grab a bite and/or beer before the show?
  13. A drunk driving accident, not cool. That's all I was saying. Don't know him personally.
  14. Skies up north are great. When I went to school in upstate New York, we could see the Northern Lights. Also, meteor showers and amazing sunsets. Don't miss the cold, though.
  15. Just finished Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. Highly recommended. If I didn't have a pile of books already that I'm excited to read, I would probably read it again. Next year.
  16. Good thing none of those ladies were seriously hurt. Dude's a loser.
  17. I'm hearing tracks from this out n about all over the place.
  18. I can't stop believing that this one ugly piece of shiznit. P.S. I was gonna throw a "who's crying now" reference in this comment too but I'll show myself out. (Giant Drag does a pretty good version of that, by the way)
  19. Weird Pitchfork review. They basically say they try too hard so they can't just be having fun but that they're formulaic songwriters so they don't accomplish anything important. How about they make good music? Funny thing about the Beatles references: When I was reading the article and it said Leaman and McMicken, I read Lennon and McCartney. Eerie.
  20. Wuh? You would think Wilco would release a statement about a repressing of this incredibly popular album. It's now available on their site but they say nothing about the date. I guess we should just be happy we can buy it again.
  21. I used to frequent the WEEN forum. But they don't have a NSFW deal and, as I do most of my intertube surfing at work, I can't have boobs and cocks jumping up on my screen.
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