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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. It was on WMNF in Tampa, FL. An independent station. When Dr Dog played down here, they sponsored the show.
  2. He signed this year through 2011 with option for 2012. I was kind of hoping they didn't sign him at the time but he's been a lot better recently. I'm surprised he's going to the All-Star game. Shields is the better pitcher on that team.
  3. Second story is better to me. I can relate to it. Not doing mushrooms anytime soon thanks to this story.
  4. His Rocketman is really good in an ironic way.
  5. Heard my first song off of this album on the radio the other day and guess what it was: Highly Suspicious. DJ was totally into the song. Then he followed it with Dr Dog's "Hang On" from Fate
  6. Dr Dog while you're out and about: Heard "Hang On" on the radio
  7. I'm voting for Evan Longoria and Corey Hart.
  8. I don't see a change on position in this article.
  9. Yeah, hulu.com is pretty awesome if anyone hasn't checked that out yet. It's NBC and FOX shows with limited commercials. Also Daily Show & Colbert. Watch old Arrested Development. Watch new Simpsons. I think because it has FOX it also has F/X. Yeah, people are going to be watching shows for free. They can have a technological battle until the apocalypse or harness for their own benefit, make new fans/rake in some advertising money. And I agree, gogo, about controlling the product and I see your friend's point and respect it. I think the difference is that the products of Viacom and other
  10. I'm a diehard Braves fan, but now that I live in St Pete, the Rays are my AL team (since before they were good, god dammit)
  11. That's definitely true with white wines but with red methinks you can go cheap if you know what to get. Tempranillo is a Spanish grape that tastes good to me no matter how cheap the bottle is. When I was in Spain, it was great to get bottles that cost $12+ here and cost 1.25 euros over there. Now that's good cheap wine.
  12. The fact that it's videos people have watched scares me. I can see tracking people who upload copyrighted content (though I wouldn't agree), but watching it? These days, with electronic and digital entertainment everywhere, people can't be expected to put on blinders everytime they see something that might be presented in a way that is illegal. Are we supposed to check every clip we see to see what kind of copyright laws apply to it. Also, the very nature of how You Tube works is that when you click on something to see what it is, the video has already started. That's ridiculous. This judge ju
  13. Happened to me last year with wilco. They played in Spain right before I got there and again right after I left. Grrr.
  14. I highly recommend the Mallorca date. Man, I wish I could go. Palma is a pretty cool city. I stayed there last year. I'd go jogging on the street the show is on, then grab a bottle of wine, then go for a swim. It's beautiful there.
  15. In the article, this guy calls his dad a traitor.
  16. Wish i could have been at the game last night. The one on Monday was great. I think the biggest thing taken from the series for me is that there are Rays fans now. I went to the last Rays/Sox series here and it was depressing. Red Sox chants echoing through the dome, red everywhere. It was great to see the Rays are starting to get a fanbase. They had an article in our paper about local Sox fans changing allegiance as the Rays get better and better.
  17. I'd agree with this to a point. I know that there was editing done in between the intelligence officers and Congress receiving them. For instance if the intentional said "possible" or "could be", those words would be edited out to make it sound certain. That is totally unacceptable and highly illegal. I think, also, that the public relations campaign of the modern conservative movement to paint the media as liberal and paint liberals as anti-American influenced voting and coverage up to the war. But these things (even the false intelligence, as horrible and unforgivable as that is) are poor ex
  18. From reading the document, the case can be made that Congress didn't authorize war, but it has some pretty open language like that the President could use the Armed Forces "as he determines to be necessary and appropriate" to "defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq." (whatever continuing threat means). Oh and the title is a little hard to get by: the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. As a Democrat, I know that's just stupid. When Hillary was trying to make the case that she voted for stricter diplomac
  19. That's awesome. I used to watch that show MJF era. Here's a clip of it I found. He appears at 8:12 mark
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