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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I'm not a real stickler for the rules, but this discussion could probably move to SES at this point.
  2. Just saw Electric Apricot: Quest for Festeroo. Amazing movie by Les Claypool. It's like a Spinal Tap for the jam band scene.Some really funny stuff. I would add this to one of my all time faves.
  3. Ramona's a good one! Great to play on guitar
  4. I got to see 2/3 Cubs/Rays games this week. Great games. That grand slam last night was amazing. Now on to Atlanta, where hopefully injuries have not sidelined all of my favorite players. And Chipper gets back to .400
  5. I kind of agree with this. If you consider: Most of his donations are under $100 (90% at one point), Come from the internet (88% at one point), Are from hundreds of thousands of people (maybe more?), many who have never given to a campaign Doesn't accept money from lobbyists, and by winning nomination forcing the DNC to do the same. Turning down the public money is the best choice, and more in line with the goals of campaign finance reform. He's not really going back on his word either because this is such an unprecedented situation.
  6. I agree with the voice. But that album has some great lyrics and a great loose feel that I like. I Shall Be Free No. 10 Motorpsycho Nightmare Those are great tunes.
  7. I like Thank You. Listened to this album yesterday again. It's getting better with every listen. Seeing them in August!
  8. Just saw Fearless Freaks Amazing movie, well made, really interesting. I can't believe I hadn't seen this yet. Essential for any Lips fan. Couldn't believe they show Steven hitting the horse. Yikes
  9. Oil Tool Here's a pretty cool tool to easily see how much the people representing you in Congress receive from the oil and gas industry and how often they vote on their side. In general, as you would imagine, the more they get, the more they vote with oil. Edit: Now that I've looked at different zip codes it seems a lot of Democrats are getting more money from oil but voting with them less, compared to Republicans. Oil probably figures everyone has their price.
  10. I can't wait to dig into that. I still think "6 to 8 Black Men" is the funniest/best Christmas story ever.
  11. Yeah, I can read any other issue, but July's won't come up. Maybe it's my computer at work. I'll wait until I can read it for free. I picked up the Tom Petty issue and, you're right A-man, this rag has gone to shit. When it was bought a few years back (maybe 5 years ago) it went downhill. It used to have great, in depth articles about bands you couldn't read anywhere else. Now it's just another mediocre magazine filled with advertisements.
  12. The polls I've seen say no, that he wouldn't carry Kansas even with her on the ticket. At this point I'm thinking Jim Webb would be a good choice to help him pick up the prized "bitter" vote. I wonder what the key voting bloc (soccer moms, Nascar dads)will be called by the media this election.
  13. I fell in love with a different brand of shiny: Fleer Ultra. They were new when I started really getting into cards and I thought they would be huge. I'm guessing that they're worthless now.
  14. I was just wondering that myself. I've been looking online but didn't see anything about that. That's a very important question.
  15. Wow. Last time I got promoted, I waited at least 2 weeks before I threatened anyone with my gangster skillz.
  16. Anyone else having a problem reading the Relix article? I have an account but it looks like the july issue isn't available yet.
  17. MMJ you've done it now.
  18. Is that for July? I see Tom Petty's on June's
  19. If you do a search, there's a good amount of stuff. In addition to your request, the Bb open version from IATTBYH and the cool riff they do live now.
  20. My band used to play Bar-B-Que from that movie. Prob not fit for a funeral, though.
  21. that background music that "sounds" like the artist is the worst thing I've ever heard. I saw a Jimi doc with something like that. If you can't afford the rights to the music, just use something completely different.
  22. I want that wallpaper my dentist used to have that looks like you're in a rainforest.
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