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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I think the plan was that it's impossible to win. This Bushism started the modern war on terror This thing covers every continent (Antarctica's still safe, for now. Oops I forgot about Happy Feet) So, every continent. And the same people who are fighting it are causing it to grow (forget about Osama, lets scare bitter Iraqis into clinging to their guns). This isn't a war. It's a propaganda campaign to spread just enough fear to keep everybody on their toes and to fund military contractors. Conservative think tanks starting working on this way before 9/11 ever happened. When the Cold War ended
  2. This site has pictures of most of the jerseys. Sad, just sad
  3. I guess chalk this one up to his Spinal Tap moment. Everyone's gotta have one.
  4. Deerhoof rocks. There's an amazing version of the Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill that they did for thisEP (It's free on their website so it's ok ; mp3 file is entire EP; first song is bungalow bill).
  5. Fuck that sucks. His dad's still alive (Just ask Terry McAuliffe; he knows now). That's gotta suck for him.
  6. They do the same thing on the 24 hr news channels when they'll have 2 guests on arguing an issue and both of their views are totally removed from reality. The host never says, "Are you both crazy?" They think because they have a wacko from each "side", it's "balanced." The problem is subjectivity vs. objectivity. When they are supposed to be objective, most outlets aren't for various reasons (because it's funny, entertaining, pandering, shocking, provocative). And when they are supposed to stand up and act like the fourth estate and question the government, etc. they don't. I think a big pr
  7. I remember seeing Obama and Osama used interchangeably on Fox News. And there was that whole madrassa mess CNN has joined in on the fun too:
  8. Not happening. A black muslim who was sworn in on Thomas Jefferson's Qu'ran? I like him, but Obama would never go there.
  9. He also berates them for having no rhythm, saying something about England being homeland of white people, or something like that
  10. Don't think Wilco plays it like this, but I hope someone can build on this (I'll try too). Just noticed that the Cmaj7#4(or 11) from Impossible Germany sounds good on this: x34000 This voicing doesn't sound right but for theoretical purposes a Gmaj13 is only a semitone away: (3)24000 Just throwing it out there.
  11. Yeah, those damn elitist economists with their schooling and knowing stuff. Mmmm patience. It's almost like food and it's cheaper than gas!
  12. That's what the one BWW mentioned sounds like. Hopefully it is because that's what I'm looking for.
  13. It's been mentioned here before. I tried to do a search but it must be deep in there. It's a sample. Analogman?
  14. Those aren't jabs; those are very legitimate issues. I have a problem understanding why those issues aren't looked at comparativley in that way by many people of faith (maybe not you). I've had to live with this president whose continous campaign of propaganda relied on support from the religious right. In my first post, I was just speculating that Obama may do well with evangelicals, a voting bloc that has been talked about a lot in the past decade. I thought his religious beliefs and somewhat populist message would be popular with them. I still think it's possible. The race issue shoul
  15. This sucks. An amazing talent and person.
  16. Not if they are getting government subsidies while many taxpayers can't get adequate/any healthcare. Plus some corporations receive tax breaks from our government and then lobby against us in international trade disputes. Gimme their moneys!
  17. You may not know any racist evangelicals but I don't know what you mean about way to slip that in there. I wasn't tying racism to evangelicalism. But there is a history in the South of the problem of reconciling a history of racist attitudes and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Plus this is America. I was just pointing it out as one reason I've heard for people not voting for Barack Obama. I've been astonished by the things I've heard over the past few months when it became increasingly likely that Barack would be the Democratic nominee. I realize that I was naive about where our country is at o
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