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lost highway

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Everything posted by lost highway

  1. Gibson basses aren't all that common compared to their 6 strings.
  2. New record plus a few shorter tours is my vote.
  3. Yeah, data. That's often sorely missing from this conversation. Thanks.
  4. You create a financial incentive for them to do so. Buy-back programs as the carrot, severe legal penalties (and confiscation) as the stick. This won't end death-by-handgun, but it would over time severely reduce the presence and use of the weapons. To use the popular, child-like language favored by the lobbyists, most of the "bad guys with a gun" are holding a gun that probably once belonged to a normal guy. When all of the normal guys are cashing in their now illegal handguns there are a lot less handguns on the black market, and they become more costly. It's not perfect, but it's some
  5. Handguns are shitty for hunting, easier to conceal, harder to fire accurately... why not become a rifle only nation?
  6. I'll admit that 'common sense' measures are neither cheap nor fool-proof if you'll admit you have a cognitive predisposition to attack any gun control measure. Like the energy discussion this situation has become oversimplified to a polarity. Fact is, America has a problem with this stuff that is incomparable to anyone neighboring us in the Human Development Index. This is coupled with a compulsive fear of doing anything about it that is stoked by a faction of the government coupled with a rich lobby that has made many on its side into fanatics. We could never (and shouldn't ever) take 'a
  7. Aw guys, can't we get pissed that either a. Everyone still has stupid guns, or b. Everyone thinks they should take my stupid guns away, without getting pissed at each other? I would like to melt your guns down to make a bicycle. Does that make me a bad person? But seriously, I think the analogy between red tape on a car to possible gun measures is somewhat apt. If you measure the utility to danger ratio it about evens out with guns being much less useful and cars being responsible for many more deaths. Why not treat firearms as an optional risk that indebts the owner to certain routine o
  8. It's a tough question because this album is arguably more 'of a whole' than anything they've ever done. There's not as much of a stretch between 'The Joke Explained' and 'Magnetized' as there is between 'Rising Red Lung' and 'Art of Almost', or even between 'Company In My Back' and 'I'm a Wheel'. I feel like its easier to guess the ones that will stay on heavy rotation in a couple years: 'Random Name Generator', 'More', and probably the unsinkable due of 'Cold Slope' and 'King of You' because a band always loves two songs that work well together in a setlist to keep the energy of a show mov
  9. Yeah, Mike. We're in a rock trio together called Hooper.
  10. Never heard of Coda. I'll have to check them out.
  11. My bass player/buddy just bought a place at 36th and Newport!
  12. The republican representative from Kansas who spoke with npr today said Boehner had been harder on conservatives than Democrats, and it was time for thinking of the future with a true conservative.
  13. Check out De Steeg! Also, Crooked Stave is all sours. This is assuming you're doing little micros and won't be busy driving around to New Belgium, Odells etc.
  14. What if you just rank the UT albums? Mine would go: Still Feel Gone Anodyne March No Depression
  15. So Jeff is playing through a massive Marshall speaker cabinet these days? Rock!
  16. You, me and several other millions will never like any of them. The point for me is to see which one is popular with those elephants, and if they could actually win. The longer it goes on the less I believe I have the ability to detect that.
  17. I don't know if I'm alone here, but I find Jay's contributions to Trace to be better on the average than Anodyne. And then worse after. Jeff in my eyes did the opposite, his post Tupelo work was weaker and he only grew from there.
  18. Cool. It makes a huge difference to really get to know the kids and their families for more than one year. We do multi-age, which I like, but I'd still rather loop if I was only doing a single grade. This seems to be the way of things. My school district adopted a curriculum also developed in NY called Expeditionary Learning (formerly packaged as "Engage NY"). It's also all about integrated units, and projects to some extent. Our 4th and 5th graders started their first day of school with an introduction to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Pretty crazy. So far it seems great
  19. I started wondering how many full albums you guys figure you listen to in a week. I'd guess I range between 10-20. The lower weeks are often thanks to the shuffle setting on my ipod, or my recent podcast addiction.
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