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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. It has been my belief that the images from Abu Grahib has done more to undermine our stature in the world than any other singular event. Thanks for the link man.
  2. Terre Haute IS a jail. That's almost cruel and unusual punishment.
  3. My old dog Viola Lee used to sneak off and swallow the kids' socks whole. The "move"was pretty amazing - I'd find those socks out in the yard all corkscrewed like a pig's tail. The damn things went all the way through her system and came out the other end in one piece. How could this happen?
  4. Sorry to indulge, but a few more: Resting in the fields, far from the turbulent space Half asleep near the stars with a small dog licking your face ------------------------------------------------------------- Just how much abuse will you be able to take? Well, there's no way to tell by that first kiss What's a sweetheart like you doin' in a dump like this? ------------------------------------------------------------- Democracy don't rule the world You'd better get that in your head This world is ruled by violence But I guess that's better left unsaid From Broadway to the Milky Way
  5. Someone that's a mod or has mad skills should pull all the talk about Palin from the last 10 weeks of election thread and put it in one spot. That would be some read! I'm really amazed that she didn't have her own thread. In all my years I don't know of a stranger occurrence in a Presidential campaign - that was as weird of a thing as I can remember. All of this talk about "Palin '12" is just so bizarre I can't believe it. No way in hell this woman is a contender unless the Republicans are ready to concede another 4 years. The white trash vote ain't gonna make the nut.
  6. This is sad sad news. Thanks for all the links, Aman. Somehow when the names of the great Rock drummers come up you always hear Bonzo, Moonie, Neil, etc.. I rarely hear the name Mitch Mitchell - that is a shame, and I'm not sure why that is. The guy deserves to be in that company for sure. One of my favorite pieces of his drumming - "If 6 Was 9". Elvin Jones would be proud.
  7. This is true. A movie about a non-celebrity such as JG would have to be done with the utmost care, and even then I don't think it's a good idea.
  8. Jesus. Maybe I should contact these dudes about playing Bob Hunter. I'm looking more and more like him everyday.
  9. The song "Shine" by SCI is one of the happiest, most uplifting tunes I've ever heard.
  10. Was there mention of the couples having to have sex with each other for a week? Cause I'm pretty sure that on VC Wednesday is threesome day.
  11. Thanks for the head's up. NP: Grateful Dead - 11/11/73 Winterland Arena, SF CA The Complete Winterland Recordings
  12. Your brain is a-bleedin' And your legs can't seem to stand Your eyes fix on the shotgun That you're holdin' in your hand
  13. "Day-umm, it's Jonathan's birthday and I forgot to send him a present. Mannnn..I'm gonna have egg on my face! Hope you have a great day man! Crank up some Primal Dead and indulge in the manner that you deem appropriate.
  14. Shit man, YOU should run on that platform. In fact, I'll start working on your behalf, Ragin' Cajun Style.
  15. Sadly, I would say yes. I did say in the first post "all parties concerned". I'm a firm believer in the necessity of unions, and I respect them for what they've been able to do historically. But (as Mr. Dylan has said) "it sure was a good idea until greed got in the way".
  16. One of my best friends works for Chrysler here. Well, maybe "works" isn't the right word. He was laid off in February '07 - and still draws a check at 90% of his base. Which puts him at about $35/hour for sitting at home. For nearly 2 years. I cannot for the life of me figure out how the company can do this and still remain solvent. I don't know what this has to do with this thread, but the story still leaves me scratching my head. It does seem to me that all parties concerned have had it so good for so long that they've run the industry into the ground, rather than adapt to the times. It's
  17. I can't believe I forgot "Jokerman" from Infidels. Say what you want about the production (I might agree) but I remember when this record came out directly after the 'religious' period and it was absolutely a breath of fresh air from Dylan. This record hit me at the right time (21-22) and just opened up my head quite a bit.
  18. I believe it is the best rock record ever made. No matter how I study it. No matter how I tear it apart. No matter how I break it down, it remains consistent.
  19. One of my VERY favorite lines from perhaps my favorite Bob song: But nobody has any respect Anyway they already expect you To just give a check To tax-deductible charity organizations (or, "organ-i-zaaa-shunnnns") --------------------------------------------------- And another - who else would think of such a crazy rhyme? What can I say about Claudette? Ain't seen her since January She could be respectably married or runnin' a whorehouse in Buenos Aires
  20. That's too bad the book won't be out until Spring. It would be nice to hunker down in the dead of Winter with a new tome about the boys.
  21. Hell, I was already old when that record came out!
  22. Michelle and I hung out with R&J over the weekend. They were happy to see the show to be sure, but they did mention 1) it seemed short, time wise, and 2) it needed some VOLUME. Ray said folks were yelling to turn it up a number of times.
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