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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. If I was to try and decide which Wilco record to turn a friend on to I would probably suggest to my beer drinking friends AM, and to my my potheaded friends I would say try Summerteeth.
  2. "I'm not doing this for naught". There you have it, folks. The Republican VP candidate has already commented publicly (to ABC News) that, in case of a McCain/Palin loss, she will look to contend for "standard bearer" status within the party. First off, do you not answer that question (about your political future) with the obvious "We're working night and day for next Tuesday, and we'll see what happens after that" comment? It almost has a pessimistic feel to it. If I was JM I'd probably be livid. And secondly (and most disturbingly) the "for naught" line just reeks so badly of being sel
  3. 10/29/94 Memorial Auditorium, Spartanburg, SC I: My Friend My Friend, Sparkle > Simple > Runaway Jim, Foam, Lawn Boy, Split Open and Melt > Buffalo Bill > Makisupa Policeman > Rift II: Down With Disease > The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday > Avenu Malkenu > TMWSIY Reprise > Sparks, Uncle Pen, You Enjoy Myself, HYHU > Bike > HYHU, Run like An Antelope > Sleeping Monkey > Antelope Reprise E: Harry Hood notes: Antelope included a Star Wars jam before the transition into Monkey. Buffalo Bill was played for the first time since 11/21/92 (224 shows)
  4. Hope your day was everything you wanted it to be (within reason, of course!)
  5. Let's hope so, Doug. THIS is one of the biggest resons why this election is so important.
  6. Being so brainwashed at such an early age (dad & gramps were Admirals) I'm sure he didn't think it was wrong. But it was, sorry.
  7. McCain in the Membrane - the best 60 seconds on television!
  8. It seems to me the venom has really been cranked up here in just the last few days. It's just horrible. If (and I do say IF) McCain loses, and especially if he loses by a large margin I think we're gonna look back on this and say that unquestionably where he blew it was the choice of Palin. Christ, she is such a polarizing figure that she not only polarizes the right and left she actually has polarized those in her own party! That's quite a piece of work if you ask me. this all comes back around to the fact that McCain did not know her well enough, and she obviously was not vetted properl
  9. DOH! I guess I should have clicked on the enlargement.
  10. After Fall '73 these are some favorites (in no particular order) Spring '69 - especially April Fall '72 - it's no coincidence there have been 3 DPs from a 10 day period in September alone! Summer '74 - everything in the last 2 weeks of June is KILLER Fall '79 - Brent has settled in and things were much much better than the previous year imo Fall '90 - from the time Bruce joined through the end of the year. An unexpected renaissance.
  11. Thanks for posting this - I really enjoyed.
  12. Yep. I've said it before here, but Fall '73 is my very favorite GD tour.
  13. As much as I like you man I had to report you for this. Uncalled for.
  14. "Hey, Columbus!!" (they were in Indy). At one point, I'll never forget this, JP was up on the drum riser jamming right next to Kramer - looking Keef cool with the cig and guitar slung down low. He then falls flat on his face onto the stage. BRRRAANNGG! Loud screech from the guitar... roadie comes out, gets him up on his feet...hands him a different guitar...gives him a new cig, lights it. JP goes on playin' like nothing had even happened. A Rock and Roll true story.
  15. Have a wonderful day sir! and - just for you: Elwood, Indiana - August, 1940
  16. I wasn't around when this was posted, but THANK YOU DAN. (Did we talk about this before?) I DO remember the H2OGate hearings. I was around 12 and my folks were flippin out. In other news - SURPRISE! The Leeb is now being quoted as making the comment "I've always respected Barack Obama. He's remarkable, intelligent, eloquent etc etc (blah blah blah)." This man is so shameless in his desperation to be near the corridors of power it is truly sick-making. Hey Leeb - we REMEMBER you spewing vile insensitive shit at Barack back when you were tethered to McCain's side and thinking that someh
  17. When Phil, Bobby, Mickey, and Bruce (along with Molo and Kimmock) regrouped in '98 as "The Other Ones" they brought back MOTM at Phil's request. Those versions were uniformly great imo - there's a nice take on the live 2CD set Only The Strange Remain. Worth a listen.
  18. Vibeages being sent down your way from the Great Midwest.
  19. Hopefully his seat will be filled by a Dem. Btw Dude - nice avatar!
  20. That 8/23/68 Alligator>Caution is amazing Mr. Wook. It was an added track on the Golden Road box set.
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