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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. A co-worker of mine has an 8X10 glossy of W on a cork bulletin board beside her desk, held up by push pins. I once stuck the push pins through W's eyes just for fun. And to see if she'd notice. Good times.
  2. That didn't cross my mind but yeah, definitely. The difference is just so striking - I wonder if historians will compare this to JFK/Nixon someday.
  3. I guess I don't feel an obligation as much as I'm just a total junkie for politics. Hopelessly addicted.
  4. A pretty civil tone me thinks. No Ayers, no Keating Five. Damn, Obama comes off as presidential material. McCain should keep his day job. I wish there would have been more back and forth. It seemed like as soon as things started getting good we'd be off to another question. Obama by a nose.
  5. As much as I hate to agree, it is a representative democracy...right? OK - let's do this thing!
  6. I've seen the big man play with the JGB and, although he isn't David Murray, he can get outside. Check out the "Don't Let Go" from Alpine 9/89 - crazy stuff.
  7. Hey, I tried out those Ray's "Hot Flavor" chips Austrya mentioned the other day and you really do not want to eat the whole bag. They're pretty awesome.
  8. Hey, those SUPER HUGE ones are great for sealing your bag of generic potato chips, so there's that.
  9. Damn. Busting on the good Captain and Jan in a single day? ::takes blood pressure meds, counts to 10::
  10. Giles' drumming on ITCOTCK and especially the live stuff from that time is some of the best ever!
  11. You guys are so lucky. Nothing like this ever happens here. They don't call it "Nap Town" for nothing, you know.
  12. Harsh! I know he ain't Bill Bruford, but who is? I thought his work was pretty damn good (at least in the '70s).
  13. They were on Letterman last night and it was some hard rockin' stuff.
  14. Oh yeah. "Hagar the Horrible". Outside of that first Montrose record I've never heard anything of his that I could stand.
  15. Is a 60+ majority possible? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1008/14280.html
  16. Yeah, it gets old quick but it's nowhere near as annoying as that bitch who tells us "we have enough fuel RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA - enough to fill 60 million cars for 60 years". Someone needs to tell her there are 180 million vehicles in this country. So...20 years and we're dunzo?
  17. Yep. Shot In The Arm as well - very McCartney-esque you might say.
  18. Those first 3 albums are some of the best stuff from the first half decade of the '80s. I saw them in '84 (Learning To Crawl tour). My seats were way in the back at Eliot Hall in Lafayette. I was drawn to the front row by some irresistible force. Chrissie sang right at me for the rest of the show - I was SMITTEN, dudes!
  19. McCain should know better. Shame on him. I guess at his advanced age he's forgotten the dirty pool of '00. I can't wait until the next debate. Barack should just keep needling him until he finally loses his shit right there on national TV.
  20. Oh yeah. Barry and Mook - I love those guys. Two of the nicest dudes I've ever had the pleasure of hanging with.
  21. Damn, you just have to rub it in don't you? Now if you tell me that you hung out with Abbie I will be PISSED!
  22. Nice. Robinson singing Sugaree sounds like a nice fit - I bet he would OWN that tune.
  23. The first thing that comes to mind is Sid Vicious - Sex Pistols
  24. That's it - I don't think anyone knows what to do. Including Paulson etc. We're all in this together though. We will get by.
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