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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Resurrected a year ago this week. Everybody say "thanks, Leo!".
  2. Damn, I got kicked off during Company and just got back in for the tail end of HS Drugs.
  3. Wow. I hope the whole place is all smoky and stuff...real late-night one/two opener here.
  4. I'm in. Hope you can get in man. I wish you were still in Madison - we had a great time last Fall down there. The Electric Lady is still open there!
  5. Well, they must really be super because neither HRC or Barack will get enough pledged delegates to win outright. The thing about them is that they can vote anyway they choose - based upon thier own criteria, popular vote be damned.
  6. Awww. I'm not gonna post back and forth by myself girl.
  7. Happy Birfday Mr. Perm! Hope it's a good one.
  8. Thanks for pulling that one back up! Funny stuff.
  9. Well, not exactly, but you have to admit that of the original 8 or 9 guys he's the only one who didn't scare the hell out of me. Now - how much does an endorsement from one of the least-favorite presidents of modern times ( and arguably the worst ever) really help this guy? And, does McCain court Huckleberry as VP in a pathetic attempt to woo the evangelicals? Hmmm.
  10. That seems like some twisted logic right there man.
  11. It's just human nature to try and 'define' things that are (usually) undefinable. Genre titles are just a kind of shortcut that gets used when we try to describe the music. I mean, how would you define the Dead's music? ("crappy" is not what Im looking for here, I know I know.. ). I think more than anything else Wilco is an American band. That sound could not have come from anywhere else. That doesn't make it better (in and of itself) it's just something that seems obvious to me.
  12. Unbelievable. Man, the spin that gets played...wasn't this the ones she had to win? Obamamentum isn't stopped by any means but it does seem to have slowed a tad bit. "The long haul" indeed. There's still 6 months until Convention time and there's still going to be some grappling/arguing about FL and MI. Bill Nelson was on the floor just today going off about that again.
  13. HRC by 70K in TX with 75% reporting. I think I'll be up for awhile to see how this plays out.
  14. I would concur. Lammy's line about "why i wonder are my pants full of holes" was pretty damn inspired as well.
  15. No kidding! 2 million votes and it's still very very close. Time to bring in the lawyers! I was pretty surprised that HRC took Ohio, fairly decisively really. But you should NEVER count out the Clintons.
  16. Mrs. Kidsmoke just saw them with her son Brennan last week (Spaceland?) and said they were very enjoyable.
  17. It's entirely possible that as this thing gets near the finish people will opt toward the known rather than a relatively unknown. Today is going to be real interesting.
  18. Absolutely. This is what I've been hoping for. May it continue indefinitely.
  19. The fella on the left looks nothing at all like Jeffrey Lebowski. All kidding aside, it sounds like you had a wonderful time! Of all the dates on the current tour this was the one I most wanted to see.
  20. Yay Doc! One of the true virtuosos. This guy turned my head completely around when I was a young man.
  21. They had horns, fer chrissakes. Therefore it MUST be jazz.
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