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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. The only similarities between the GD and Wilco are imo they are a fantastic live band ( as darkstar said) and they don't rely on any rock star gestures in order to get the music across - they just play their asses off. If they weren't such a great band live I wouldn't be nearly as crazy about them as I am.
  2. I'd really like to respond to this thread but the gentleman who started the thread is not (to my knowledge) of legal drinking age so I will hold off for the time being.
  3. Just a reminder - today is the anniversary of 12/19/73 Tampa. The show that started the Dick's Picks series. When I originally got this in the mail I put the thing on and the first song (Here Comes Sunshine) just made me so thankful that finally the Archives were gonna be releasing stuff. The HCS is still one of the very best I've heard and is a good enough reason to justify the purchase.
  4. HA! No, I meant Luke. I go round and round on both sides of the issue of integrity whenever the great dinosaurs contemplate roaming the earth once again. But if Zeppelin tours the States how can I not make the effort to go?
  5. Are you saying that it would not be a good thing for Zep to do a tour? Just curious.
  6. Thanks for posting that froggie. Very nice read. "The wait begins again". Indeed.
  7. Yep. I appreciated the upgrade. That's a great show. I know folks get all excited (understandably) about the Dark Star but I actually dig the one from 8/24 Berkeley even more. Kieth gets into a Fender Rhodes sound in that one and it reminds me a lot of Bitches Brew-era Miles or even early Weather Report. A must hear for Dark Star lovers.
  8. My only exposure to the Felt Forum run is an old bootleg LP that had the 12/5 show - the one where "Muddy Water" was played for the only time.
  9. The Other Ones - Only the Strange Remain Nice compilation from the Summer '98 tour.
  10. I agree. It's really a good year to introduce the uninitiated to the Dead - mostly song based, really a 'back to basics' approach for the most part. Chock full of Pig for the first half of the year too. I think Pig was really at the peak of his powers during the Spring tour. There may be a lot of "sameness" to the songs and sets but that's no real reason to disparage the shows. And of course by the Fall things would change drastically - for the better - with the addition of Kieth.
  11. That's the only one I own. It occupies a place of honor in the music room.
  12. SRC. A great, relatively unheralded psych-pop band out of Detroit from the golden age of psychedelica ('68-'72). They were fairly popular in the Midwest I guess. Lead by the brothers Quackenbush (Gary - lead guitar and Glenn - keyboards) these guys went into fairly progressive territory. Their LP "Milestones" is a psych masterpiece imo. Gary's heavily sustained, melodic guitar is beautiful - especially on the first side closer "In the Hall of the Mountain King > Beck's Bolero". The second side closes with the truly hippie-dippie (and heavily Donovan "Atlantis"- inspired) "The Angel Song"
  13. Happy Birfday! When Jesus was 33, they came for him with the cross and nails. We promise not to do that to you here.
  14. Oh man you just reminded me of a funny (to me) story. All my kids were weaned on the GD of course. Once, my youngest and I were on a hour-long drive. She was 3-4 years old at the time. I have a '73 Playin' crankin on the stereo and about 10 minutes in it's getting VERY out there. I asked her "what do you think of this kid?" She replies "I like their songs, but I don't like it when they start to practice!" I don't think I've heard it put any better from any rock critic when it comes to the Dead.
  15. Sorry, I don't have any tickets. But given your screen name and avatar I like you already. Best of luck!
  16. Winter Wilco shows - the United Center Summer Wilco shows - Soldier Field Problem solved! j/k of course
  17. I'm a bit of a Luddite myself. To hell with all these pre-sales. How many are there for any given show? By the time the shows actually go on sale half of the effin tickets are already gone.
  18. I never was able to get DH here either, but my friends up around Chicago taped many many shows. I have hundreds of hours from the DH on K-sette.
  19. Best of Chris Farley on NBC. He was no John Belushi, but still...the guy cracks me up.
  20. Damn that's a shame. One of my favorite runs I ever did was the UIC Pavillion shows in Spring '87 - first time I saw Jerry after his illness. The final night was broadcast on XRT. Always is nice to go back and remember those times with a listen.
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