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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. This will be so cool. Man I wish it was being webcast.
  2. Jeebus. ANOTHER late night-leaving a "club"- shooting incident involving Jamaal Tinsley. What in the fuck is wrong with this guy?
  3. Oh man I just remembered - today IS the day!
  4. Both Bob Sanders and Gary Brackett were playing out of their heads tonight. They'll have to keep that up w/o Freeney.
  5. Thanks again everybody for all the birthday wishes. It really means a lot to me. It was a fine evening of food, friends and merriment. -J. Morrison b. 12/8/43
  6. I gave this a first spin last night. Very good, very jazzy - although not in the '73-'74 style of jazzy. I really like that sound of Brent's first couple of years with the band. He really is aggressive with the work on the Rhodes. In response to your statement about the GD store - I was talking to a friend that ordered Road Trips and he said he ordered it over 3 weeks ago and still hasn't received it yet!
  7. I remember Lennon's assassination all too well. My 18th birthday. Ronnie the Ray-Gun had just been elected the month before, and to make matters worse the Peanut Farmer had just reinstituted mandatory conscription. Not the way you would want to begin your adult years for sure. I was devastated for days...I was too young to feel the impact of JFK RFK MLK but this just hit really hard. Thanks jc4prez. I'll check out the blog when I get home.
  8. I heartily concur with the distinguished gentleman from Colorado. No surprise there. I assume we're working in the pop/rock field only - I can think of any number of jazz lineups that would certainly qualify for the status of 'best band'.
  9. Thanks you all! I started out a with the celebration a little early. Last night I got with 4 of my oldest pals and caught one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks. Damn, that's a smokin' hot band! We'll see what kind of surprises today will bring.
  10. Yay for 12/8 birthdays! I hope your husband takes you somewhere and does something. And stuff.
  11. Hey guys and gals. One of our nicest people here is Mende. He's having a real tough time right now. I'll spare the details but he could really really use some good thoughts and vibes from you all. Thanks a bunch. Frog, hang in there bud. This place would not be the same without you. You've helped me in numerous ways since I came on board here. >
  12. Well better late than never! Road Trips finally arrived in the mail just now!
  13. Wow Bridget that was a great interview! Really covered a lot of bases. The "quite possibly a near-genius" line was both spot-on and amusing at the same time. There were many things that rang a bell with me regarding organized religion, addiction, talking with the kids etc. But I'm not going to grab the quotes and put them 'out of context'. Just read the article folks!
  14. Good point! That's a thread topic right there.
  15. Wilco - 4/27/02 Chicago IL SBD Thanks Kyle for reminding me to pull this one out. Great old school Spiders.
  16. I think that was 2/14/68. They ended up using parts of it for "Anthem", it was so good!
  17. All the best to you Crow. I was being my usual smart-assed self earlier. I HAVE had a couple of real life-changing events myself. Thankfully I realized the enormity of the event when it happened.
  18. I used to have an epiphany at least once a week. Not so much anymore. I blame Dick Cheney.
  19. WOW! That's nice. Have a great birthday! I will catch up with you in a few days.
  20. Thanks for posting the interview Welsh Rich.
  21. You should take her up on Patrick Park. Good stuff!
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