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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. The Pretenders with Honeyman-Scott and Farndon? That is brag-worthy.
  2. I guess I'd better get out the shoe box full of stubs. I'll get back to ya on this.
  3. I just came across an ad for this in an issue of Uncut. Evidently it was released in September. Here's a review: "A Night at the Family Dog" http://www.jambands.com/DVDReviews/content..._09_04.02.phtml
  4. Also, you were right Crow about the 'Boys not being able to stop the Pats offense...that second half was like a clinic.
  5. Despite what I said earlier I'd love to see Califone open. Really interesting band.
  6. I caught these guys a few times last Fall. I kinda enjoyed them. Probably be even better listening on headphones at home in a semi-catatonic state (if you catch my drift).
  7. Very nice playlist. Hell, they even have Metal Machine music on there!
  8. I wish AWATT was around. I'd be innarested in his opinion on this.
  9. Wow. Pick Up the Change, CIMB, etc. I'm hoping that check of Say You Miss Me makes it to the stage again soon. I've never heard that one live, and it's definitely a song that I love dearly.
  10. The thing that is most disturbing to me is how many Congressmen are in bed with these very well-funded and powerful organizations. There will be no laws designed to change our current path as long as folks like Inhofe, Craig, etc., are still on the hill. We can't wait another decade to reverse things. And even if there is a bit of the Chicken Little mentality going on here I would think it's best to err on the side of caution, no?
  11. I've beat this horse many times but no opener is the best opener.
  12. If it weren't for pizza I'd weigh about 99 pounds. True story.
  13. 67 shows since April (6 months). That's quite a lot of shows imo.
  14. That LP is a top 10 alltimer for me. No question.
  15. Our old friend Basil II sent me a compilation disc of the best of all his solo albums and I must say it was great stuff. Jay, come to Indy!!!
  16. I can understand hate for Hill, Bill, and many others but I'm not sure why all the hate for Al.
  17. Yep. A real fine line between life-changing/favorite.
  18. From "Saucerful of Secrets", right? Man that is a GREAT version of that song.
  19. Yes, I agree with you. I hope whoever wins in '08 utilizes Al in some capacity.
  20. Yes, yes I do. I guess you would of have to been there, but during Revolution 9 Fishman says Yoko's "You become naked" and then stripped off his dresss and ran around the stage buck naked. True story.
  21. Ben, you and Jen will be in our thoughts. Best wishes to the both of you.
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