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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I thought you were talking about the old WFL team there. The dude that was their coach actually came to my H.S. to coach after the WFL's demise. Chuck Dickerson was his name. I had him for PE & he was without a doubt the meanest son-of-a-bitch I ever had for a teacher.
  2. Out of all those bands that came out of the H.O.R.D.E. festival era (Blues Traveller, Spin Doctors, WSP, ARU, etc..) only one of them made a lasting impression on me. I can't talk about them here though.
  3. Hang in there El. I'm sending vibeage across the state line.
  4. If this is now being outsourced to Australia and I have questions regarding this matter, could I call you & you could speak nearly unintelligible broken english? That would be comforting.
  5. Oh good Lord yes. I have a bumper sticker on my old Aerostar that is a parody of "D.A.R.E.- to keep kids off drugs". It reads "DAVE-to keep kids on tour". If I had a buck for every time some yokel has asked me if that was about DMB.
  6. Waiting For Columbus has received more spins on my turntable than almost any other live record in my collection.
  7. There are some things I just do not get. DMB is one of those things.
  8. Not to mention the same age as Phil Lesh. I could never drag her to a Dead show though...she's a teetotaler & abhors pot smoke! Still, a pretty good gal. My old man's b-day is today! A big Neil fan. (sorry to hijack the thread WW)
  9. I will second Mr. Oblivious' proposal. A very good idea me thinks. In spite of the fact that OTM is obviously a brown-noser of the worst kind.
  10. True. I had my mother listen to YHF a few years ago. She's a big rock fan (Who, Tull, etc.). She could not get into it...I guess it was too strange. But I got her SBS for her 67th birthday in June & she really really dug it!
  11. mountain bed


    I'm my own Grandpa!
  12. Happy Birthday Jess! May your day be filled with good friends, good times, and LOUD music!
  13. Yeah, I know. You know I'm just kidding Lou. The wierd thing about your opinions is that I tend to agree with you much of the time. Scary, isn't it? Thanks.
  14. Question for A-man (or anyone else, for that matter): I dig the T-Rex, but I'm curious...has anyone here heard Tyrannosaurus Rex? I've only read about them, never heard 'em. They were described as an acoustic Syd Barrett-era Floyd. Hmmm. Any opinions are welcome.
  15. FYI: the dude in the corner is explodo/stardog & he just said "Zwan!"
  16. Happy Birfday ESue! Have a great day!
  17. Damn. You guys are really making me feel old here.
  18. Grateful Dead- UCLA 11/17/73 SBD Playin'> UJB> Morning Dew> UJB> Playin'
  19. Is this where I can rant about how power ballads destroyed whatever (supposed) credibility metal ever had? Cause sadly, it's true...so true.
  20. This is one of the stranger and more disturbing stories to come from Campaign '08 yet: http://www.billnelson.senate.gov/news/deta...?id=284933& I'm having a hard time seeing the DNC's reasoning here. What are they thinking? Good Lord are the Dems already starting to cannibalize themselves (again)? (According to Nelson's & Hastings' allegations) No candidiate (or their staff) allowed to visit Florida?* No radio or TV ads/press conferences? How do they expect to compete? * the exception being (of course) fund-raisers (poll tax, anyone?)
  21. Wow. I really like UT a lot. a lot.
  22. The thing about the $60K/per that I find hard to understand: where I live, that's a sufficient income. But in NY or CA (for example) that's not a lot of money. It should probably be adjusted to be more like prevailing wage.
  23. From what I've heard there's still millions of kids not covered by S-CHIP. Bush wants to keep the program, and have an additional $5 billion spread out over the next 5 years. But given the ever-skyrocketing costs of health care the extra billion per year will not keep things as they currently stand. In fact, it's estimated that 840,000 kids will actually fall off the rolls. The Budget Office said it would take $35 billion per year to expand the current program & get all kids that are living at 200% of poverty covered. So that's what the bill that was vetoed states. Think about this: 35
  24. Everytime I think about all of the times UT played within an hour of my house I want to stick my head in the oven. Never caught 'em - I was living in a very Jerry- perceived universe at the time.* * notice I said "at the time"
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