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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I doubt if my mom would find that very humorous. She's 67 & thinks The Who is teh shit! ( I took her & the old man to see 'em in '82, they've been bent ever since!)
  2. Hey now Froggie, Whiskeygirl, Fritz, & all the rest of our VC brothas & sistas Down Under: You all deserve this next week so much! I really couldn't be happier for you. I'll bet you folks will get some debuts these next few shows... can't wait to hear your opinions/observations. Been far too long for ya. But as the old adage goes, "Good things come to those who wait". Enjoy! From the whole MB clan.
  3. awesome, just awesome...I'll be right over!
  4. I love that nearly everyone here has YHF in there. It certainly deserves to be. 2000s YHF Pearl Jam--s/t 90's Visions Under the Moon--David Nelson Band A Live One--Phish 80's New York--Lou Reed London Calling--Clash 70's DSOTM--Floyd The Lamb Lies down on Broadway--Genesis 60's HWY 61--Dylan Beggars Banquet--Stones
  5. Yeah. Given his chosen profession, and the fact that he's lived 42 years & never had to say no well that's a pretty tough row to hoe... to do the kind of fine-tooth-combing of one's life that needs to be done is a tough task for anyone who has put off the inevitable forever. I hate to agree with the music comment but it's correct, imo. I honestly started to hear what I perceived to be 'coasting' by the band with the ( much-beloved) Summer of the Cow-Funk or whatever the hell it was called...just repetitive ambient groove-style things that were 180 degrees away from the amazing shit they
  6. "It can be done but it won't be easy". WW, that's an understatement to be sure! His former band was of course one of the most notorious drug bands of the last 20 years. With court-ordered weekly visits, screenings, etc. for the next year and a half his life is gonna be significantly changed. I know the man's got a pretty severe problem, but I also generally fall on the side of 'no one's gonna tell ME what to do with my life'. But then again I've never had a heroin problem, so I really don't know. With 5 years probo if he successfully completes the program, that would definitely seem to rul
  7. Not that anyone would want to do this, but of course there is a LOT of debate on this subject on teh Phish boards. Some innaresting observations, others that are just plain hateful and/or stupid.
  8. Wow. First off, 3200 peeps in your HS ? Damn, that's bigger than any school in the state of Indiana! Also, I totally understand the worry about popularity. When I was in HS & just out of school, I was raving to anyone who would listen about the greatness of the GD. Low & behold, someone must have heard me... a few years later I was having to pre-order months in advance just to make sure I got a ticket anywhere in the venue! Fast forward... 10 years later...I'm raving on & on & on about Phish. Next thing you know, they're selling out everywhere they play. 20,000 seaters &a
  9. I can only say that I really hope Trey can get healthy...just like I would say for anyone in a similar situation, even if they're not famous or a virtuoso guitar player.
  10. I remember Jesse's speech at the Dem Convention in '88...still one of the best political speeches I've ever heard. Even though I think he does have a bit of the charlatan in him, that speech was just beautiful.
  11. I'd be innarested in knowing the biggest-selling hits records. Of course the Egos would be near the top. But I'll bet the Doors Greatest that came out in '80 or so sold a hell of a lot.
  12. Congrats to the quarter23cd family! :: cues up " Beginning of a Great Adventure" ::
  13. Hey! I have an old LP of Peter & the Wolf that has the instrumentation done by the British Art-Rock royalty...Bruford, Squire, etc...
  14. Jesus.... I regards to Abu Grahib ( In my mind one of the most sickening events to be made public since My Lai) when this came to light, the admin did a 'document dump', where they let out sooo much stuff that it would take a long while to examine all the info. Still, 2000 pages are missing? God, these guys have made it so we'll never get to the bottom of anything. I don't care if it takes 20 years, I want these bastards to be taken to task.
  15. Oh man. This digs deep. I'm proud to say he was a product of the area I live in. Cheers Kurt. :: should dig out something for a re-read ::
  16. I concur, Harpoon! It really was the best decade to grow up in, because we didn't have to suffer the indignities of being a 'longhair' like some of those who grew up in the 60's did ( hi Lou ), and we didn't have to deal with the 'just say no' zealots like my wife & others her age did (she's 38). Truly, nobody gave a damn about hair, pot smoke, etc... ..But I digress... what was the question? Oh yeah... first records : either Stones--High Tides & Green Grass, or Byrds--5th Dimension. Obviously, my parents bought those for me. I also had a very cool cousin, 9 years older than me, w
  17. This is off-topic, but wasn't Imus the 'inspiration' for the movie "Talk Radio"? I always thought that was an excellent movie.
  18. Nice! I have a couple of DFH 90's left from last weekend..prolly save 'em for Friday. As for now, 'standard operating procedure', aka Sierra Nevada Pale.
  19. One of These Days ( I'm Going to Cut You Into Little Pieces)--Floyd
  20. Last week: at the first of the week, temp--79F...Grilling food in a tank top. 48 hrs. later--wind chills of 20F, winter coats back out. Jeeeshh.
  21. I was wondering if this might be the 'all that blow in Amsterdam' show? Pretty damn good show imo..
  22. I probably listen to UT damn near as much as teh Wilco. That stuff never gets stale imo.
  23. Genesis--The Return of the Giant Hogweed
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