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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I'm sure most of ya already know this,but Phil Lesh is Courtney Love's Godfather (Phil & her dad Hank Harrison were college buddies).She's on the back cover of the Dead's Aoxomoxoa LP.True story. Regardless of that crap,I'm pretty sure if you looked up 'skank ho' in the dictionary,her pic would be there.
  2. Tanks for the vote of confidence.Here's a fairly accurate assessment from the head beat writer: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...436/1004/SPORTS
  3. Would you show me how to do that fingerpicking bit on Acuff-Rose? I'd like that
  4. Yeh,as someone who has been following televised debates for the last few weeks or so,I can unequivocably state that the current state of amerikan political discourse is at its lowest ebb of any time in my memory. (what's left of it anyway )
  5. Hey,I know it's CHARLOTTE,fer chrissakes,but the Pacers looked pretty good (in the 2nd half,anyway).They're going to be deep again,almost overloaded at C/PF & PG. I'm (for the first time in many years) dealing with severely diminished expectations,but a 5 spot in the Playoffs is a possibility.
  6. Excellent post man. Ever think of a career in the political arena?
  7. Wow...I get outta bed & wake up to this? I'd like to have all here to be online & post comments during the returns next Tuesday (like the DC webcast).Wouldn't that be fun,folks?
  8. Half of Indiana's roster is new from last year.I mentioned my unfamiliarity with the team to a co-worker & he informed me that I could check out roster info at the post office.Ha-fucking-ha.
  9. Absolutely,and especially in areas where living wage jobs are nearly non-existent.This is nothing new at all.In the town I live in,the auto industry really began to fall apart right around the time I graduated High School (1981).All the subsidiary businesses related to our largest employer went belly up and the town just died. At the same time,the Reagan Revolution (with it's emphasis on a stronger Cold War defense & 'let's make America great again' attitude) was just taking hold.The recruiters swarmed the area like vultures & as a result,a huge number of my classmates joined the serv
  10. God,I wish HST was still doing columns (like he did back in the '80's w/the Examiner)
  11. I'm still amazed that this guy was the best the Dems could come up with in '04.If I'm the DNC Chairman,I'd lock the guy up for at least the next 7 days...no campaigning!
  12. Actually,I do have em all up to Alive II,but I'll dig em out after work tonite.
  13. Lord it sounds like the shit went down! Here's to this one making the rounds
  14. My first show ever was Kiss and Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band in Aug. '76.Destroyer Tour I also remember the Midnight Specials & Don Kirshner show.Really big on 'em for a few years there. Although I moved on to other music,and haven't really listened to Kiss for over 25 years now (God,I'm old) still when I hear Black Diamond or Strutter or some such the volume goes to 11.
  15. Black Sabbath--Live at Last (Rainbow Theatre) Happy Halloween
  16. Prog is a good cure for the ever-dwindling Amerikan attention span. I guess I should give these folks a spin...
  17. Stone Ruination I.P.A.--the Cadillac of IPAs (Dogfish Head 90's are the Rolls Royce of IPAs...imo )
  18. ..and this other guy I've always said BB is my all-time favorite rock drummer evah! tanks for the linky A-man
  19. What about the SONG Black Sabbath? 'Oh noooo,please God help me!!!'
  20. Since it's Thanksgiving (a traditionally 'family' type of holiday) I say a short mini-set by the Blisters
  21. Mr. H! Yeah,you can almost hear the gears turnin' in Matt & Trey's brains right now..
  22. At the risk of being 'random' (have mercy Rich) I just wanted to say wazzack the Harry Smith avatar is teh coolest! Let us know on the other side of the pond how the JT goes
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