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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Everyone has a special attachment to the time that they "came of age" or whatever, but I feel compelled to say that those of us who were in HS during the latter half of the '70s really got away with it - what an amazing time to be a young adult. Of course, I am so thankful that my kids weren't able to emulate me to that extreme.
  2. Glad to hear you got to see Nels & Ed, Mende! When I saw The NC Singers last year it was easily one of the best shows I saw all year. But I am a big fan of his stuff.
  3. Happy Happy Joy Joy! We all hope you're doing well, and hope to see you around here soon!
  4. I really hate the confirmation process. This is ALWAYS ugly, no matter who we're talking about.
  5. With a name like junkiesmile, you KNOW they have to be right.
  6. Happiest of birthdays to VC's "Fatha" of Jazz specifically, and fine music in general. Thanks for all the tips!
  7. Willkie - The Album (err..umm..I mean Wilco!)
  8. You know, once we get a decent clean air act instated by Mr. Obama hopefully the smog out there on the left coast will clear, and your brains will no longer be saturated with all that toxicity. You will then come to the realization that the only logical answer is THIS: AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS W (TA) You're welcome.
  9. I would think that Specter will have to play ball with the Dems somewhat. He should know Patrick Murphy is breathing down his neck - he could get smoked in a Dem primary.
  10. Jerry wasn't having a very good YEAR in '84. I mean, there are shows where he played like a demon, but if you read about his personal problems from that time it would scare the fuck out of you. Crosby had nothin' on JG - it's just amazing he didn't die right then.
  11. True dat, but by the 90's I almost wished for the song - Liberty or Law were LAME encores.
  12. Norbs, I'd appreciate it if we didn't use that guy's name please.
  13. Christ. To call Specter's voting record "left-wing" goes to show how far to the right the party has gone in the last 30 years. I guess anything even approaching the center is now "left-wing" to those dickweeds.
  14. Is this for real, Bjornicus? I have said it before, but if more Republicans were like Specter Congress wouldn't be such a mess - I don't agree with him on everything, but he seems to be a decent sort of fellow. Even if his "banana republic" comment last week was a little off-putting.
  15. The first car I ever bought was a '76 Bonneville. I saved up some dough, and added with some HS graduation money I obtained the vehicle: mint interior, 90K miles. That thing was a drift-bustin' thing of beauty - I regualrly squired anywhere from 6-8 people down to Market Square Arena (Indy) for concerts and inspired lunacy. Good times. I drove that beast until about '86. By then it had 170K, and got about 8 mpg. But it served me well.
  16. Damn. A dog lover AND all crafty and stuff with the sewing needle too?
  17. As someone else here remarked earlier : "Creed Reunion, and a swine flu outbreak..coincidence? I think not."
  18. Are you serious? 11 days and the squeaker is still intact? What did you do, tear all his incisors out? But anyway, happy birthday to Noodle!
  19. Just a heads up for all the Metallica fans here: tonight on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show a man who never seems at a loss for words, Lars Ulrich, will appear to talk politics and rock-and-roll. Should be innaresting.
  20. About a month after the fact I finally got the Terrapin and RT Vol2 No2 in the mail today. Evidently they sent my order to Missouri! Better late than never I guess. edit: Oh man. The RT2 bonus tracks include TWO, count 'em TWO 20+ minute versions of Viola Lee Blues. Can anything be better than this? Was the JGB/FZ double bill Chicago '84? I have a cassette of that around here somewhere.
  21. "Better By You, Better Than Me" was the song - which actually was a cover, I think. edit: the LP the song was on, Stained Class, is a REALLY heavy record. It also has one of my favorite JP tunes - "Beyond The Realms Of Death". What a great title for a song!
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