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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. There's tons of good rap/hip hop. Jay-Z's Dead is a fun mash-up album. Put's the Black Album lyrics over various GD tunes. I get a kick out it and it sounds good.
  2. Hm....sounds iffy to me. I'd stay in Vail and go with the VIP. I was almost considering going (live in Denver, too) but then quickly decided not to. Because I don't want to.
  3. I wonder what kind of birth control the couple Ryan use....
  4. Diana Krall is a pirate hooker.
  5. Griddles: A couple questions you need to ask yourself: 1) Do you have the money to kick down? 2) Will spending the extra $200 ($400 total??!) help, in any way, you to get laid that night? 3) Can you eat/drink $200 ($400 total??!) worth of food/booze?
  6. The kids climbing in the seats was scripted, btw.
  7. Ah. I liked what Ryan said. He's right, too.
  8. What do you mean by truthful statements, though? By talking about stopping the chewing affecting his play?
  9. And JGB versions during said time frame were sick as well, generally trumping GD versions.
  10. Rizzo should fire himself. The whole goal is to win the WS (or it should be, at least). Though it may be altruistic to attempt to spare the kid's arm, he severely and possibly ultimately jeopardized the franchises chances at attaining the ultimate goal in his decision. The goal shouldn't be to win next year or for a stretch thereafter, but to win this year.
  11. Exactly. You need to exploit the talent when you have it (Lincecum?). It was a poor decision, imo. They could have slowed him down a bit and lessen bullpen sessions, but shutting him down was a slap in the face to his teammates and the fans, imo. This I don't get. Winning the WS, and winning it now, is the ultimate goal, and sacrifices need to be made in order to get there.
  12. Item 1: I never had. There's enough variety for me to not burn on it. Item 2: pretty much the same here.
  13. I wonder how Mike Rizzo is feeling these days. It was a horrible decision several weeks ago and it's blatantly apparent it was a horrible decision now to shut down Strasburg. He's potentially cost the team and the fans a legitimate chance at a WS Championship.
  14. We've already snowfall. Coward.
  15. This kind of reminds me of when Phil Collins came out of retirement to tell everyone he was retiring.
  16. I'd like to see a debate between the Prohibition Party and the Peace and Freedom Party (Presidential candidate Rosann Barr). That would be newsworthy.
  17. That's because it's unpossible.
  18. Oh shit I thought people were referring to Obama/Romney, not Stewart/O'rly. My bad.
  19. It's better to burn out than to fade away. Or something. I burn out all the time on Wilco. It's a natural thing to do.
  20. Wait a sec, people think the debate was scripted, as in each having prepared lines to read? If so, they're pretty good actors.
  21. You might be able to get through a quarter of that Keystone show on your trip.....
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