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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Lammycat

    Red Rocks

    Not both, might go up one night though....
  2. Haven't heard it but looking forward to it. There's not much the guy has done musically that I don't at least appreciate if not really enjoy. I read an article (RS, maybe?) on his approach to this album/tour: having a bunch of different musicians broken into two groups (male/female) and calling on them art varied times for studio work on particular tunes....Kind of a throw-it-at-the-wall-see-if-it-sticks approach, was my gathering....
  3. I think you can expect a healthy dose of middle-aged shut-ins and loners....
  4. Not true, imo. I've heard plenty of people chime in on their dislike for the music who have actually listened to more than a radio version of "Truckin'". There is a disdain for the GD (and it goes beyond the actual music they play, imo) that some folks seem to have that involves the fans.scene/etc. more than any knowledgeable criticism of actual songs/the music. It's usually a broad stroke of "they suck, " "jam bands suck," "songs too long/too much noodling," etc., cliche, cliche.
  5. I disagree. I think there are plenty of people on the site that have little/no clue about this particular band they criticize, which is evident in their analysis of the band, which is often way off the mark. At least that's how it's always come across to me. It's pretty much always been that way in conversations concerning the GD, and not just here.
  6. Apt statement considering your name....heh. Trying to convince someone with a preconceived notion about any particular band/style of music is generally futile. Bob Weir generally has decent taste in music. The GD influenced a shit ton of the post Punk bands, due to their ethos, DIY approach, and because they tend to rock.
  7. '73-'74 Let it Grow (s) are probably my favorite. Delkalb, Ill '77 and Merriweather '84 stand out, too.....
  8. I bet the Indians have the best fans in baseball, too....
  9. Armand=guitar tech for Slayer who died recently. I read this letter from Axl yesterday and while I think it's overkill that he wants nothing to do with being inducted (or even mentioned or included in the GnR legacy that's being inducted) I can respect that he notes he's in a damned if I do/damned if i don't situation. He's entitled to his view (and obviously has more insight to any situation than a person reading the letter) and that's gotta be good enough if he wants to be excluded. Still would have been cool as shit to have all original members there playing a few tunes.....
  10. Moonalice plays out here often and they barely draw a crowd. A shame because it's a very decent outfit (Molo, Pete Sears, Sless, etc).
  11. IIRC they had 2 sets of The Wall so the crew could get a jump on the next show (on back-back nights in different cities) to set up due to how long it took to break down/set up.....
  12. The Jackson bio is very well done and was one of the first 9maybe even the first) to come out after JG's death. I haven't read it since then and might need to dive back in. There are (or at least used to be) outtakes from the original manuscript that got trimmed by Jackson's publisher available on Blair's website.....
  13. I look at it as they are both only 2.5 games out of first place in the division with 158 left to play. Not bad!
  14. Lammycat

    Red Rocks

    Roped off/VIP is reserved. Anyway, it's easy as hell to find a decent seat/space to hang most of the time.
  15. Hadn't heard about this until the airing of 60 minutes last night. Certainly lived a full life. I enjoyed his tenacious reporting and some of the grillings he'd lay on crooked people. Ed Bradley, Andy Rooney, Mike Wallace. Morley Safer is looking pretty old too....
  16. Listening to this presently on gdradio.net
  17. Lammycat

    Red Rocks

    Red Red Rocks always has reserved seating, usually in the middle starting first row and going to a few rows behind the soundboard. I don't think I've ever bought a reserved ticket at RR before and have never had a problem with sight lines and/or sound.
  18. First night Spring Tour. How'd it do? Trying to go see a double bill of Sam Bush and JGB tonight. Need a sitter for 4 boys aged 5-11. Any takers?
  19. I went to see them a few years ago on advice from people from around here, I believe. Knew little/nothing about them, but they were playing locally and at a small venue. No offense, but it was a shitty show. I left after about 5 tunes. Not up my alley, apparently.
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