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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Gotta add Garcia. The way he'd put his chin to his chest and look up over the top rims of his glasses with raised eyebrows during a nice jam always reminded me of my old dog and how he'd look at me when I'd pet him. His inert posture on stage for much of the 80s caused a small uproar when he actually started bending his knees and bopping around a bit in the latter half of that decade and early 90s. It's the little things.
  2. It was in the papers out here, too. froggie. Gruesome stuff like that tends to make it around the globe in the press.
  3. Axl and Michael Jackson might be able to make the cut.
  4. I tanked tonight, as well. Two years running! I guessed Lindsey Lohan, though. Do they give Mulligans?
  5. I'd like to be at any one of those.
  6. John Updike's very well-written (and eye-witness) account of Ted Williams' last day as a Red Sox: http://www.baseball-almanac.com/articles/h...u_article.shtml
  7. Need internet for grad school (all on-line). And porn. Could do with out HBO/Encore/etc. Need cable for Jeopardy and MLB EI. This is non-negotiable. Bottled water is a rip off. Most of it isn't any cleaner than tap water. The in-home filters are where it's at. Can do without a cell phone. I rarely use it as is. Could do without the expensive coffee. Don't drink enough as is, anyway. Rarely buy concert tix that are more than $20, but it wouldn't stop me if I had to. Sometimes I have to.
  8. Missed this one. Sorry, austrya. Hope you had a nice one.
  9. Hope you have a fantastic day, Donna....
  10. I think this is a bit what I was getting at when saying there's a certain skill/art to throwing a spitball as opposed to doping to get a leg up on your competitors, which often merely includes other guys playing your position in MLB. It's purely a stats and money based form of cheating (need to keep up with the competition/put up big stats to keep your job, supposedly) whereas throwing a spitball for five innings or whatever is cheating on a game-day scale. I just look at it as a lot less harmless to the sport, overall.
  11. Is there word that the book is fiction and the evidence points to innocence now? This isn't a rhetorical question, either. How you can compare spitballs to something called "performance enhancing drugs" as similar still confuses me, too.
  12. Even if Bonds retired before his use began he'd almost surely be a HoF-er. Which makes the reasons why he used even more concerning. However, are we going to start picking apart players' careers into segments because they played in the steroid era? Maybe they should, I don't know. "Pre-use" and "Post-use" stats, etc. Rose is banned because of post-player days indiscretions. I have no probalem with his omission from the HoF either, though.
  13. So if his career stats after his use began were wiped out would he be a HoF-er?
  14. I've said, ad nauseum at this point, that there are degrees of cheating in baseball. Those degrees of cheating (or, rule-breaking if you will) vary greatly concerning impact on the game. Kevin G. stated that "cheating is cheating," basically, regardless of the form. I take issue with that. Using pine tar on the bat is breaking the rules. So is betting on the game. To say they are one-in-the-same is ludicrous to me. I was making an extreme case to set a point, is all. Regardless of whether or not I draw a hard line on steroid use and my thoughts on those who got and get caught, MLB draws
  15. And there isn't. But the topic came up about Bonds being a HoF-er, again, and this is where it usually leads. Regardless, the BBWA won't be kind to the players accused of usage. I think they have a valid point, others don't. Eh.
  16. It may not but it's against the rules, hence cheating, hence the same as throwing a game, using steroids, or any other form of cheating. It's pretty obvious.
  17. I don't think I ever said that about Albert Belle, but you'd know better than me on that, too. Your view is the right view. Discussing baseball with you becomes a lesson in futility often as you come across as smug and know-it-all. Your opinion varies from mine and many others (in fact, MLB's). Get over yourself. Brilliant.
  18. Massive hypocrite? O.k. They are the same thing. And so agrees MLB.
  19. Wow. Throwing a game is the same as knicking the baseball or using a bit too much pine tar too high on the bat to you? I guess we have nothing more to discuss about this.
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