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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Correct, he used to play solo a bunch and I thought it was late 80s. Could be wrong. FWIW, Boyd Tinsley's band was doing pretty well in the area before DM brought him aboard.
  2. Certainly not speaking for Lou here, but my take is that it's kind of like: so X person was born at a certain time and was afforded an opportunity to see X performer and decided to go. Big deal. In hindsight, yeah, it's kind of cool to be able to say "I saw X perfrom," but really- so what? For clarity, I'm not referring to the band named "X."
  3. Saw Zappa in '79 or '80. Caught Dizzy Gillespie in '81 or '82 in New Haven. Used to see him every now and again in late 80s in Charlottesville, too. Traxx.
  4. While I would agree with Alito's dissent, it is the job of the Supreme Court to interpret the law. Unfortunately, it has become somewhat expected and accepted practice to create/amend law instead of interpreting law. ed. dammit MrRain beat me to it....
  5. Jen, were you guys ever able to make it up to NH (VT?) to see Goose before he split?
  6. According to the 5-4 Supreme Court Justices' ruling, yes, the death penalty for this particualr crime is cruel and unusual in the context of The Constitution. This, too: "There has not been an execution in the United States for a crime that did not also involve the death of the victim in 44 years."
  7. Don't want to step on the toes of a child rapist. Life in prison should be the only other option. And castration.
  8. I suggest giving them your money (extra money would be more appropriate) anyway, or maybe driving an extra few hours to see them next time, as rescheduling is simply unacceptable.
  9. The sound quality of the show, as well as the solid playing, stand out. This was a favorite tape for many years. If I recall, the TLEO has a weird helicopter-like sound right before a Garcia verse, the CAT is fantastic, and of course the Cryptical (all mentioned by mb). The sbd recording I had seemed to really catch the acoustics of the Rubber Bowl, particularly the slight reverb/echo effect.
  10. This pretty much sums it up. Can't win for tryin' most of the time.
  11. You can milk anything with nipples.
  12. Daisuke lasted but 1 inning and gave up 7 earned runs. I'm not sure if he was ready to come back and pitch today....
  13. Hey, at least there'll be some sharp (albeit very hot) looking bums walking around your town
  14. I watched the Polanski one last week. I've been into documentaries lately. Off the Grid, on On Demand (Sundance channel) was excellent.
  15. I backed over the protective flap in the back of my brand new lawnmower and the blade chopped it up and then the mower wouldn't start again. It took my 45 min. to remove the shredded remains from the back while simultaneously feeding and bathing three kids, and now the mower is working again. Yay me. And yes, I feed them while they're in the tub. It's just easier that way.
  16. Absolutely untrue, from my vantage point. I do understand this and think most Sox fans do, too. I just find the money/contract reasons to be vapid and a case of sour grapes. Hating the Sox for being good is fine in my book and comes with the territory.
  17. I did this run, too. Hot as hell itself but such a great time/vibe all-around. I travelled from NH with little more than a pair of shorts and an extra t-shirt. Yikes. I was absolutely filthy by the time we ran through Buckeye headed back east. I remember thinking that "Foolish" was "Tangled Up in Blue" before the singing came in. There was a tepid "Black Bird" in there, too. Third night encore maybe.
  18. Perhaps. Having fun should be taboo in baseball. That, and spending large amounts of money wisely.
  19. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra to perform GD tunes, Lee Johnson's "Dead Symphony," for Garcia's birthday (8/1): http://www.dead.net/features/news/baltimor...hony-august-1st
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