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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. The switch-hitting is a bonus but I'd still take LoDuca over Estrada. And not for nothing, but reports out of MIL have noted him as being difficult to work with. But yes, getting rid of Mota and his contract is a big plus.
  2. He also recently had surgery on a knee.
  3. They didn't get much more than a bucket of batting-practice balls in Estrada, really.
  4. Way to push the envelope, dude. p.s. Best of luck with everything.
  5. How long will humanity need to be left hanging until we get a Quadruple stack to go with our 60 oz. soda? Personally, I'm holding out for the Sextuple stack, but in a pinch would consider testing the Pentuple Stack.
  6. If we can trust even slightly the adage "give the people what they want" we're in gloomy times. Most t.v. news is rot, as well, though.
  7. Looks like Kenny Rogers is leaning towards the Tigers http://freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID.../711210412/1050 and the possible impact on Dontrelle remaining in FLA because of it. Seems a bit of a stretch to assume one because of the other though: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...MLB&id=3672 Also, Cubs looking at Kaz Matsui: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...MLB&id=3789 And Mets trade Guillermo Mota to Brewers for Johnny Estrasda: http://mlb.mlb.com/news/press_releases/pre...sp&c_id=nym
  8. "Goodbye," Steve Earle "China Cat->Feelin' Groovy Jam->Rider," GD '73 "Washington Bullets," The Clash "Moonlight Mile," Stones "16 Days," Whiskeytown (thanks dsc)
  9. I cooked a massive turkey two weeks ago and only made a gravy to accompany it. It's been great for sandwiches the last week +. I'm now making a turkey chowder soup with the stock. I also had a fantastic turkey and ham lunch at school today that all the Specials teachers cooked for the entire staff. All the sides were there with some incredible yams and some green beans with pine nuts and bacon deal that went great with the mashed potatoes. Also pumpkin pie and apple pie. I'm well prepped for Thanksgiving dinner at my wife's aunt and uncle's house in a couple of days. We'll bring the pumpk
  10. The Baconator's got nothing on this: http://www.peppersandsmoke.com/bbq/burgers/index.html
  11. I'm so hungry I could eat at Arbys. I remember getting pretty sick off of a hot dog at Hardees when I was little. I recall it was like eating a neon shiny rubberalien space craft or something. So anything but Hardee's I guess. I've said it before but the world needs more quality hot dog joints. I've proposed opening a drive-through gourmet dog/wig shop before but to little enthuiasm.
  12. I'll give thanks to my three beautiful and wonderful boys, as well. It's been a tough past few months for me but their smiling faces and awe for life have been blessings.
  13. 1283. Down 142 since 1990. We're a dying breed, apparently.
  14. Glavine signs one-year/$8 M with Atlanta: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...MLB&id=1488
  15. I used to live in Salem when I went to Roanoke College. I still have a bunch of friends there and miss the area a great deal.
  16. $12.5/yr is a decent deal. A little steep but it'll be good to have him in a BOS uniform for a few more years. Good deal on the Sox sticking to their agenda with a 3-yr. contract, too.
  17. Sure he's the key figure. He broke the record under false pretenses. He helped create the circus that surrounds himself. No one is less guilty if proven to have cheated. I don't know of any documents or books stating that Joe Average Baseball player used steroids, but if there was proof he did he should get the same treatment as Bonds. You can't convict people due to suspicion. Bonds has been tried in public opinion because there is evidence that he cheated. Why should he be given a break- because other players may have cheated and got away with it? Horse shit. Again, I don't see the alte
  18. I think it would be implicit that cheating by using banned substances results in punishment whether he was being tried for using steroids or lying about using steroids.
  19. We've yet to see his punishment (if he is actually convicted of the charges), though. It's entirely possible that MLB hands down a punishment because of the perjury/obstruction charges. If he is convicted, it could be an opportunity for MLB to show some balls and deal out a stiff penalty to Bonds. It's too early to tell what the outcome and punishments will be, but doing nothing is not a better solution. I'm glad BOS was able to keep Lowell at a reasonable, yet high, price. They also didn't have to give up young talent (Lester, Buccholz, etc.).
  20. Bonds being tried for lying about breaking set rules in the game is relevant. I believe it tells other players that MLB continuing to look the other way will no longer be an option. It tells players that no one person, no matter how great of a player, is above the game. It tells players that you cannot, in fact, cheat and get away with it. Continuing to allow Bonds to laugh in the face of the game is the problem that MLB is trying to right. Doing nothing in regards to him would be a step backwards.
  21. Ah, I see. I tend to agree with this. However, doesn't holding even one person accountable make a difference? Guys get suspended all the time for steroids these days and by holding the highest profiled player in the game accountable I see it as a harbinger to others tempted to use illegal and/or banned substances. Good point about the lucrative contracts and the prevalence of banned substances. There most certainly is a correlation. When high schoolers are using the stuff it's a problem. Lifetime bans from MLB for those proven guilty of using should be the only punishment acceptable.
  22. How is holding the key figure in the steroids mess accountable not doing something? How is holding him accountable for lying about cheating not progress? I guess I just don't see the alternative of doing nothing as being a better option. If it is indeed a witch hunt then Bonds himself is the main reason he is being treated as such.
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