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Everything posted by Lammycat

  2. And there's the rub. My now 6 mo. old lasts about 10 min. tops in the Johnny Jump-up (well, with most any activity, really) and goes in it a few times a week. Any more than that amount of time and he's crying, anyway. But again, they're great (and the little playstation saucers that they sit in with all the mirrors and crap which we refer to as his "office") and allow just enough time to take a bathroom break, start dinner, beat the dogs, etc.
  3. Bah! Anything to keep the kid pinned in safe and happy is o.k. in my book. All my kids used 'em both and developed fine. Besides, maybe they'll end up being NFL kickers/punters now with the extra-developed leg muscles. ed. Thanks for the warning though.
  4. And these things are fairly new and great, too. Especially as the baby gets to be a few months old and can support it's own head/sit up or even not sit up and gets crabby having to stare at the ceiling while all around bi-peds are enjoying looking at each other. The Bumbo:
  5. Rattles and shit are always good, but a Johnny Jump-Up will be a hit as it frees the parents from having to hold the baby while making dinner, etc. for a few minutes. And, despite the stoic looking kid in the picture I downloaded, kids love 'em! She'll thank you when the kid is around 5-6 mo. old. ed. To incorporate the musical aspect of it, burn her some Wilco to crank while the baby bounces in the door frame.
  6. And Lester is his replacement, which is o.k. by me. Lester has been decent where Wakefield has struggled towards the end of the season. This is for the first series only (at this point, obviously) and I'm assuming he'd be added (if healthy) to any subsequent post-season series if it was the right situation.
  7. C'mon, there's been none of that drought talk from Sox fans since, say, 2004. And the ridiculous "curse" horseshit has finally ceased spewing from the media. Now the obnoxious part comes from an inherant disposition to years of tradition through geographic locality, I'm afraid.
  8. That and the other obvious: purple and red are pleasing to the eye.
  9. Maybe "some" fathers are afraid of guys in yellow hats. Or over-zealous primates, for that matter.
  10. I'd love to see a COL/BOS WS. I think the reasons are obvious enough.
  11. There was a piece on him recently in the local paper where they ask a handful of goofy questions. The one where they asked him what tunes he likes to listen to before games he responded that he doesn't listen to music. Of course, whatever works for you but I found it odd that he doesn't listen to "music" in the general sense.
  12. I find it much easier to watch football without the audio than baseball. With the exception of a handful of play-by-play and color guys in baseball that I can't stand, I'm usually pretty happy with the volume on. With football it's like a sensory overload with non-stop talking. It's the nature of the sport, I suppose. Of greater import is that it is becoming increasingly more and more intolerable to stomach all the noise at the ball parks. Maybe I'm just getting older but the constant blaring of music between AB's, innings, pitcher changes, etc. is a drag. At Coors field you usually have to
  13. I knew the Rockies have fared well against him at home, but in today's Rocky Mnt. News: Hoffman is 1-3 at Coors with a 5.59 ERA. Overall, against the Rockies the last three years, he's allowed them to hit a .357 BA and he's been lit up with a 9.00 ERA. So yeah, I guess it shouldn't be too surprising the Rockies got to him when they needed it most.
  14. Wow. What a ball game. I don't think Holliday ever touched home plate, though.
  15. It's Orsillo. Not as much giggling tonight, though.
  16. Tulowitzski had more than a "nice" campaign this year. He was incredible defensively and strong offensively. He is Gold Glove worthy. Braun obviously had a better bat but was pretty weak (bottom of the barrel for his position) defensively. I realize that offense is looked upon more favorably when it comes to these things and Braun will probably get the votes. This doesn't detract from the point that I think Tulowitszki had the better overall rookie year and is more deserving.
  17. Same with The Warrior's Code for me. I like the DKMs in small and quuick doses.
  18. I agree with most of this but think Matt Holliday deserves the NL MVP over Utley (he, along with Tulowitzski, have carried the Rockies the entire year and barely missed the batting title for NL); and again state that Tulowitzki is more deserving of the NL ROY as his offense has been incredible, as has Braun's, but he is Gold Glove worthy, as well. Also, I think Pedroia is more deserving of the AL ROY.
  19. This is a good call. I love this book. The guy has a way with wording/phrasing his sentences that ropes me in. It's a very image-heavy book for me. I've read it 3-4 times. I wish he'd put out another book.
  20. This is exactly what I was thinking when I posted on this earlier. When the signs were there that changes needed to be made with the bullpen, nothing was done. Though it was close to the same bullpen as last year it was not as productive and, more so, a case can made that it was counter-productive. If people want to call for Willie's head because of a perceived lack of tenacity/chutzpah/go-get 'em/whatever then that's one thing, but to suggest he was a major factor in the team losing it as the season wore on is not accurate, imo.
  21. I watched that Will Ferrell flick about the author in his head last night and thought it was pretty well done.
  22. My favorite book this past year was Finn, by John Clinch. It kind of picks up where Twain's Huckleberry Finn leaves off and focuses on the abusive and drunken lout of a father, "Pap" Finn. I'd figure that most people have read Huck Finn so most would have something in common from the get-go. It's an easy and fascinating read with rich, time-sensitive language and does a great job of honoring Twain's novel without mutilating plot lines and characters. Here's a quick synopsis/review: http://www.amazon.com/Finn-Novel-Jon-Clinch/dp/1400065917
  23. Depends a bit on the folks in the book club, I think. What's the group like? I started one with teachers from my school a few years ago and they were mostly women and myself. I ended up reading some good stuff I never would have and turned them on to an excellent Lou Gehrig biography. One older chick teacher who knows very little about baseball claims it to be one of her favorite reads. We read Cannery Row at my urging another time and most of the people complained that Steinbeck writes like a child and doesn't make for much of a storyteller. Go figure.
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