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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Tortelvis from Dread Zeppelin?
  2. Fantastic series, great Game 7. I'll say it again: Joe Buck gets the M.V.P.
  3. Now the Cubs are just another team Now the Cubs are just another team.....
  4. He WAS the wrong goat.And yes, Shiraldi and Gordon "blew" Game 7. Buckner should have been pulled, as he had been by McNamara most often towards the end of the season due to his bad legs. Even if Buckner was pulled (as he should have been) the Sox could have lost Game 6. Also, Buckner even bat .500 in Game 7, scoring a run.
  5. I think it's still relevant to the band. Note the hug Page gives to Trey after "Ziggy Stardust." Trey was a larger-than-life guy who also fell to Earth with the whole drugs debacle and rose again a la Ziggy to be where he is today. Very cool choice and not just a nod to Bowie, imo.
  6. He can be and I know a lot of people rag on him (though he doesn't bother me that much for some reason). Just be glad it isn't A-Rod/Rose, Tim McCarver, or Joe Morgan
  7. I watched/listened to their Lockn' and liked it quite a bit. King Missile: Cheesecake Truck Jesus Was Way Cool Sensitive Artist How to Remember Your Dreams Take Stuff From Work
  8. Hmm. I wonder if that could have fit in the, unfortunately, rather narrow category "Other"?
  9. Those kids that worked their asses off to dress as normal-clothed adults say "f-you, old guy!" Yeah, we're always out with our kids during the door knocking so can't really attest to the annoyance of it. I'd likely be doing the same...
  10. This sounds like a blast. Where would you rank it on the Scoville scale?
  11. Great album. Opened up a new musical world for me in 1986.
  12. Good scores on all of these. I still listen to Never Mind the Bollocks often. For me, it's Pet Sounds. (just kidding I still don't like it)
  13. I grew up just to the right of New Haven with a lot of Red Sox fans (a lot of Mets and NYY fans, too).
  14. The combination of Kluber/Miller for potentially 2 more games in this WS will be a tall mountain to climb for CHI. Pretty solid drubbing last night.
  15. The Rockies do that, too. Local sports dj is always ragging on them for it. Weak.
  16. Carrier pigeon for me. Seriously, I'm not looking to get into a debate about "the market bears what the market can bear!" about the inanity of ticket prices, but who the hell pays thousands of dollars for these seats? I realize the whole shebang about how long either team has been to a WS and all, but c'mon.
  17. I wonder if the games will be televised so people who want to watch the games don't have to pay so much.
  18. Just got an email that they're doing the Ogden Theater annual holiday show again this year (tried to get tix last year with no luck). At least they added a 2nd night.
  19. He's gonna need a lot more than your early vote to pull this thing off....
  20. Yeah, they're from Denver even and I have had trouble getting tix to shows. They went from playing clubs to selling out Red Rocks within a year of the release of that first album.
  21. Been trying too but the shows sell out quick.
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