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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Similarly, I saw JGB do "Dear Prudence" in '81 or '82 before I ever heard the Beatles do it (at least to my memory at the time) and I thought I had heard the entire White Album at the time!
  2. I remember I heard The Clash do "I Fought the Law" before whoever wrote/sang the original.
  3. Ha! Hendrix' "Hey Joe" before The Leaves. "Louie, Louie" by The Kingsmen before whoever that dude was that wrote the original Those Vaselines tunes after I'd heard Nirvana do them ("Son of a Gun," "Molly's Lips," "Jesus Wants Me for a Sun Beam") A few of those Elizabeth Cotton tunes after I'd heard the GD do therm ("Babe, It Ain't No Lie," etc.
  4. I may be one of the few people who actually like this album. The version of "Since I Don't Have You" and The Misfits' "Attitude" and Fear's "I Don't Care About You" are well done.... I learned something new today! I
  5. I can't walk you out in the morning dew today....
  6. I can barely deal with Mayer, His voice annoys me and he seems to "miss" a lot of notes in his too-many notes playing, if that makes any sense. Once Bob/Drummers are out of the picture there is zero reason for this thing to linger on.
  7. That's a nice 3 nights. I honestly don't think I could do a 3-night run anymore. Seeing JRAD in a couple weeks in Denver again. Probably my favorite (current) post-GD music to see live.
  8. You gonna head uptown riding in your limousine, in your fine Park Avenue clothes?
  9. This series will likely outlive me. I should just quit it now.
  10. Anybody watching the Netflix series The Crown? My wife "made" me start watching it over break last week and I think we finished it last night. I'm assuming there are more shows in the works...?
  11. I was supposed to go see Los Lobos open for Leftover Salmon at The Fillmore this past Saturday but we never made it. A couple of stand out shows for me this past year: Phish at Dick's, particularly night #3 Stevie Wonder at Pepsi Center Warren Haynes and CO Symphony Orchestra at Red Rocks
  12. ...compared to a 16-tune 1st set and a 14-tune 2nd set.....
  13. Unfortunately, yes (94-95). 6-7 tunes in first set most nights.
  14. I stumbled upon this show a couple days ago. First, yes it is a show from (GASP) '94. BUT, don't let THAT alone dissuade you from giving it a sniff. Particularly, the St. of Circumstance and the SOTM. While it truly is a solid show (Vince is even a bit reserved both musically and vocally), the St. of Circumstance rocks and my favorite part is the background vocals from Garcia during the rocking chorus verses at the end. He twists the vocals up all high and tight to put a different take on the tune, which I get a huge kick out of. The SOTM is flat-out killer, with similar sentiments on the
  15. This is pretty cool, especially around the 1:00 min mark and on.... http://m.redsox.mlb.com/bos/video/topic/100501452/v1212729583
  16. Pence appears to be scarier than Trump but who knows once this spaceship takes off in January. We still don't even know his cabinet, etc. appointees yet (which I'm not sure why the press is making such a big deal about as many previous presidents have taken much longer, i.e. Obama took 3 weeks). It's only been a week.
  17. I read somewhere she was doing sound for a major tech company these days (for large conferences/conventions). She's also done a bunch of live/studio recordings with the CRB the past few years. She did sound for a 30night run out here at Quixote's a bunch of years ago for Stir Fried w/ Vasser Clements in early 2000s. I'd be nice to to catch this one....
  18. You likely won't know who they are, though, so just assume everyone has a "right" to bitch about whatever they want....
  19. Well, out of the ones I know who didn't vote, there were actual reasons given as to why they didn't vote ("obligations" was not one of the reasons). Their right not to vote is as important as anyone else's is to vote, whether it was protest, laziness, a broken spine, a philosophical stand, or they were out playing Pokemon Go. And, they have as much right to discuss politics as anyone else and decide whether or not they want to vote next time, as well.
  20. All had the same reason: complete lack of faith in either of the two viable candidates. I'm willing to bet that a lot of that 42% consists due to similar reasoning, and that alone says a lot. Changing the way we vote and the availability of (day of the week? Make it a holiday?) might help boost those numbers, but I'd never call someone a coward for exercising moral/philosophical beliefs in an election as crummy as this one was.
  21. Oh yeah, and (ad nauseum), YMSB were hired to play my first wedding in '99. That was a fun time outdoors in the mountain outside of Boulder.
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