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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Wow, wish I could use them. Awfully cool of you.
  2. See, I'm not sure I make the distinction in my head between whether a "classic" or a "new" tune is being used. Maybe I'm feeble of mind, but sometimes when I here "The Weight" by The Band I don't automatically flash to The Last Waltz (movie) anymore, but sometimes to the cell phone t.v. commercial of the guy driving down the CA coast to hook up with his chick. I don't know, it is what it is I guess. A solid point, too. I've yet to see/hear the VW ad, as well.
  3. Although the assertion that John Cougarcamp took a huge hit on record sales due to the extremely overplayed and annoying "Our Country" for the truck ad is telling. I'd be willing to bet that there are Cougar fans who have been turned off to him completely because of the incessant playing of that sound clip. If all one can think of when hearing him now is the truck...well, I think he's damaged his career to an extent. I just think there's some truth that hearing a song (or part of it) repeatedly in a commercial will generally replace any former primary association with that song, or possibly
  4. Steinbeck's Travels With Charley is an excellent read. Moreso about Steinbeck's self-discovering of America and his understanding of it/take on it (he was supposedly pretty ill at the time he traveled the US with his poodle, Charley) the story is pretty fascinating (to me, at least). I'm a big Steinbeck fan, regardless, but the book is rich in detail and I've always dug the simplistic nature of his writing (very accessible). There are some tender moments described concerning his relationship with Charley and it's importance to him, as well. Charley is his traveling companion and has more
  5. Just caught him live again last night. I'd recommend Happy To Be Here, East Nashville Skyline, and the latest, The Devil You Know (in this order) if you're interested in his studio stuff. His other stuff is very good, too, but these three stand out.
  6. Feelin' loose, spruce, and full-o-juice:
  7. For anyone interested, here's Schilling's breakdown of the near no-hitter the other day. This is from his blog, 38pitches. He's also a member of SoSH and takes a dig at the very end of the piece at the poster I mentioned in the game thread the other day that mentioned the potential no-hitter around the 7th inning. I think it's kind of cool to get the first-hand perspective as to what it's like to go through it (others may disagree): http://38pitches.com/2007/06/09/6707-vs-oa...80%a6%e2%80%a6/
  8. The Hi-Dive is the old Quixote's (down there on Broadway), eh? Spent a lot of time in that joint. Can't suggest anything concrete as I've never heard of either band you're asking about. My suggestion would be to blow them both off and catch Todd Snider up at the Boulder Theater. But then again, it ain't yer bag.
  9. The 6-8-69 He Was A Friend of Mine-> China Cat-> New Potato that Lemieux put up this week is, as the kids would say, tight.
  10. Yes. Wally Ingram on drums (he of David Lindley notoriety) Dave Schools (bassist for WSP) Eric McFadden (incredible guitarist who has his own band) and a keyboard player (I forget his deal). I've seen them once or twice 'round these parts. Good stuff. I also caught Jerry Joseph playing/singing withZero a few months back: comprised of Greg Anton (drums), Donna Godchaux (vocals), Steve Kimmock (guitar), Melvin Seals (keys), Martin Fierro (sax) and Kimmock's kid, John, also on drums.
  11. I sometimes like the montage (good word) of tunes (not the complete show) and not knowing what they're going to play next, like a radio station but with good tunes. I spend a lot of time on archive.org, as well.
  12. The International Submarine Band definitely had a Country feel to it. Also a Rock feel, as well as some Folk and even an R&B feel to them. They were only around for a few years but you can certainly hear the Country influences in that incarnation.
  13. It kind of looks like the chick cop has hints of a faint smile going.
  14. You didn't used to be like this you callous son of a bitch. What is with you, anyway?
  15. Rest assured whatever he thinks about her, if I ever find out, that's what I'll think of her.
  16. Which will come in handy when he's dismissed from his job.
  17. You guys ever listen to GD radio while hanging on the internet? http://gdradio.net/
  18. Must be the Irish in me, then. She does nada for me.
  19. Didn't Rhino put out all the re-mastered stuff (studio albums), the Rhein show, the '69 Fillmore, most of the box sets? Plus, it hasn't been a year yet since Rhino took over the material. ed. Rhino catalog: http://www.rhino.com/store/ArtistCatalog.l...Grateful%20Dead
  20. I like the DP stuff and the Vault stuff but I'd like to see/hear them put more stuff out that is hard-to-get and/or poor quality. A lot of the stuff put out is material that is already pretty popular among traders and already decent and better sound quality.
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