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Everything posted by awatt

  1. The camera work is really bad. But a great Wilco vibe here, if my damn computer didn't keep dropping out. Lots of new stuff--I imagine that cd is close to being completed. Next? Walken!
  2. I have a feeling that tonight they will play Box Full of Letters.
  3. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock PdP is pretty awful, no? Wilco, we're waiting.....
  4. Spent my days with a woman unkind, Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine. Made up my mind to make a new start, Going to california with an aching in my heart. Someone told me theres a girl out there With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair. Took my chances on a big jet plane, Never let them tell you that theyre all the same. The sea was red and the sky was grey, Wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today. The mountains and the canyons started to tremble and shake As the children of the sun began to awake. Seems that the wrath of the gods Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow;
  5. August is a big anniversary month. Ours is 8/25--16 years!! I can summarize my emotions with the smilies:
  6. We're heading for the Atlantic tomorrow, to Folley Beach and Charleston, for a week. Then return home for two days before traveling west, to the beautiful Pacific for a few days in N. California, then begin our road trip along the northwest coast before settling in to Victoria for the Fall. Should be an adventure...
  7. Surely you're all much more interesting that what you're revealing here... Tattoos? Piercings? Unusual Jewlery? Scars? I've got a skull ring (please tell me that's the first time anyone on this board has used the dead smiley face!). Want to get an AWATT tattooed on my arm--kids love the idea, students would dig it, but the wife will kill me, divorce me, or have me committed, not necessarily in that order.
  8. awatt


    I wish to hell I was going but can't wait to hear the reports. Can't make the Folks Festival as originally planned either. Thank God for the upcoming dvd.
  9. I'm a little slow but finally got my hands on this (instead of Ryan Adams, though someone was nice enough to send me the Cold Roses collection), and I love it. Analogman, did your opinion change yet? This is not the instant classic that Weird Tales was for me (Until You Came Along, Lost Love, Making Waves, and Fear of Falling being particular high points) but still a solid effort. At the moment am enamored with opening three songs and other Tweedy cuts, my kids love Corvette, and one buddy is now only listening from track 7 on. I'm sure it's going to grow on me. Not sure if someone pasted
  10. ACATT Sorry, a lame contribution to this fascinating thread, but I'm tired.
  11. Thanks for these treats, froggie!
  12. I was wondering if you would ask. A thai medley, take out.
  13. In the cd store I had Ryan Adams' Cold Roses in one hand and GS new one in the other. I went with GS and got the poster.
  14. At the moment, my favorite is Wichita. Is it just me, or do the Jayhawks sing a lot about death, murder, heartbreak, outcasts, the dark side....? No wonder I like them so much.
  15. awatt

    Golden Smog

    Are we going to vote on these or something? If so, Dick Fitzwell gets my vote.
  16. People who sit around all day doing nothing but staring at their computer.... Wait, that's exactly what I've been doing all freaking day!!!
  17. I deleted everything from my ipod that is extraneous to my current musical madness--first, middle, last, it's AWATT!!!
  18. Alcohol content is always the prime consideration. This morning, it's the usual: Starbucks.
  19. The Ambient Century: From Mahler to Moby, by Mark Prendergast? A student just gave me a copy to read and I must say it looks quite interesting. Just curious if any folks here know it and recommend. I suppose it has nothing to do with Wilco.... It's now in the queue after Chronicles and The Devil in the White City.
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