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Everything posted by uncool2pillow

  1. I'll listen to Byrne/Eno next. Glad to see they're into The Sims. For now,
  2. Many moons ago I was in a band that did a song called "Pat Robertson". The chorus included the following: "Pat Robertson's running for president People say he's gonna win If he does I'm movin' to Canada Takin' a bottle of gin"
  3. It's good. IMO (base upon initial listening) good, but not great.
  4. Agreed! Umass, Title track, Head On, and many more all rock! I do agree that it lacks for Kim's backup vocals, but it is a terrific album. I have to mention my favorite record of all time, because if it's not your favorite, you have it highly underrated!! Workbook - Bob Mould
  5. That & 3 CDs in one year is a lot to digest.
  6. Jesus, you're celebrating that? Drive 2 1/2 hours west and pay $3.42. I'm still not celebrating. Look at what the prices were when this thread started.
  7. Many of the lyrics are dated, as is Lou's mullet, but it is almost 20 years old now. It is a tremendous album, though. I love the sound of the guitars on it.
  8. A football player who lived next to me freshman year of college would play "Lunatic Fringe" by Red Rider followed by "One" by Metallica before every game.
  9. Picking it up from the library in a few minutes. We shall see.
  10. I am so freakin' pumped. Oct. 14 in Des Moines!!! Sorry to write back so soon, but we wanted to give everyone a consolidated update on all the new Old 97's, Rhett Miller, and Murry Hammond shows recently posted. Here's the full rundown: Old 97's
  11. This is a really funny book! It really pushes (the burns to ashes) the envelope on good taste. Maybe not worth buying, but a trip to the bookstore to read.
  12. Her dad lives in West Des Moines. She was in "We Are Marshall" and he came in to my bookstore to buy a magazine article about the movie. She is easy on the eyes for sure.
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