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Everything posted by anthony

  1. Too tough to do this. But let me just say that I think Blood on the Tracks is the perfect record (especially when compiled with the alternate New York version). This record really was a paradigm-shifter for me when I first heard it. Happy B-Day, Bob. Thanks for BotT.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1UxcD_sOis
  3. Totally wanted one of these (but never got): . Some other great ones here
  4. Just picked up Guerrilla. Thanks for the recommendations, guys.
  5. Just bought these from my local used record store (buy 2 used CDs; get one free): Guerilla - Super Furry Animals Made of Bricks - Kate Nash The Bends - Radiohead
  6. Has anyone ever tried to figure this one out?
  7. There is some good infor (chords, riffs, etc.) in this thread.
  8. * Swimming in the ocean * A new pair of strings under my fingers * Warm sourdough with melted butter
  9. I thought this was gonna be about the May 21 ridiculous-nous
  10. Ha. I was just gonna post this. Before I became a vegetarian, In-and-Out was hands down, the best burger ever. Not even a close second. It was always a ritual to stop at the one in Barstow on the way to Vegas.
  11. anthony

    Wilco Vinyl

    I love Cl&Eg. So simple and organic
  12. Totally agree. But like the others, I will include, Animals. My two favorite records are Meddle and Animals. Completely 100%. Perfect illustration of my feelings, as well. Absolutely. I am totally not interested in all this repackaging/etc. sutff (strikes me as more capitalization on baby boomer nostalgia more than anything fresh). However, I would be tempted by an 'immersion' of Meddle or Animals (if the price was not too ridiculous - I have my doubts...) Actually, I do not like the Syd era. A little to space-y for my tastes. I saw the Division Bell Tour at the Rose Bowl. While an impres
  13. jimmie's chicken shack - do right http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WR3gF9J0hQ
  14. You may be right. Look at the TV shows that started off at the dawn of the decade: 11 Reasons Why 1989 Was the Best Year In TV History We all loved these shows for their inherent irony, no?
  15. Aimee Allen - Santeria (Sublime cover) . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uVBzMseQ7c . (not sure if it belonged here or the 'capital crime' thread)
  16. Do the Aquabats count? ... prolly not ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIqLz6LqMsU
  17. How bizarre... Creep live at a fucking Mtv beach house... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnzis-V_K90&feature=related
  18. Just finished: Chuck Klosterman IV Really enjoyed it. He sensibilities and life experiences seem to coincide with my own so much it is scary. Great AGiB-era Wilco story, too. Just picked up: The Pale King - DFW Can't wait to get started. (really sad there will be no more...)
  19. Congrats. I hope you have may fine hours with her. BTW, (I had this friend who always asked this): what was the first song you played on her?
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