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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the BT version, but my memory is a little shaky with this number... edit: no, i just listened to the BT version, and it definitely was the solo-style version
  2. you can check out the rest of the photo's at:http://www.flickr.com/photos/10557043@N07/
  3. After letting it all sink in, the Vancouver show was my favourite show this time around (rather than the Calgary or Seattle ones). I think the combination of the small, beautifull outdoor setting and the AMAZING setlist really created the funnest atmosphere for me. After this show I went and got all of the guys to sign the Vancouver poster (thanks to their tour manager (?) Nick(?) ) and chatted with Glenn again and told him how wicked I thought it was that they busted out Too Far Apart, Red-Eyed and Blue, and I Got You, all in the same show. He said that he was surpised that they played all
  4. :wub i have a good one with Mike too, but I can't find it yet...when i do, i'll post it.
  5. Alright. These are the photo's I got with the guys after the show...as you can tell by the same stupid grin on my face, i was thrilled to meet each of them!!
  6. YAY! Thanks for sharing your beautifull music and lyrics with us!! I hope you have a great day, and another fantastic year! I think you're awesome possum!!
  7. both persons in those pics are adorable!!
  8. jesus!! this extreme weather all around the world really freaks me out. i'm glad everyone is ok!
  9. no...i am a girly girly, about 15th in line, until they moved the ticket holders line, at which point i was 3rd in line. i'm glad you had a great time!!!! YAY WILCO!
  10. yay! what an AMAZING show!!! I almost died when i heard the drum intro to Too Far Apart!!! and when they busted out red-eyed and blue, i knew i would die a happy lady! i got a couple of good photos, which i'll post when i get home. it was nice to be dancing beside dreamin' and Stacey, glad to have met you (briefly!). i have to go now and catch the bus to Seattle. this will be my last wilco show this time around, and i can't wait!!! :dance
  11. alright, i'm off. please introduce yourselves, i'll be near the front of the line with a blue jacket, and a maroon leather bag. HAVE FUN EVERYONE!!
  12. yay! i can't wait for this too. I would really love to hear shake it off as well. rain or shine, we'll have a great time!!
  13. does anyone have a complete setlist of tonights show? i just caught the last couple of songs...
  14. I worry about spending too much of my money, when there are really important things in the future that I want to save up for...
  15. First things first, the setlist: 1. You Are My Face 2. Side With the Seeds 3. I Am Trying to Break Your Heart 4. Kamera 5. Handshake Drugs 6. A Shot in the Arm 7. Impossible Germany 8. Sky Blue Sky 9. Company in my Back 10. War on War 11. Via Chicago 12. Jesus Etc. 13. Walken 14. I'm The Man Who Loves You 15.Hummingbird Encore 1 16. Hate in Here 17. The Late Greats 18. I'm Always in Love 19 Outtamind (Outtasite) 20. I'm a Wheel** Encore 2 21. Heavy Metal Drummer 22. California Stars 23. Poor Places** 24. Spiders **on the setlist but not played WOW! Last night was a freakin' blast!!!
  16. YAY! Party it up! Have a wonderful day!!!
  17. oh, i'll be there early!!!
  18. sorry to everybody who had tickets to the shows i hope nels feels better by friday
  19. my dad was born in winnipeg...but i don't know much about it. when my sister was driving through it once, she went to this 'famous' (i don't know if this is true...) anarchist coffee shop/book store. i don't know if you're into that kind of thing, but it might be interesting...
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