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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. take it easy Lou! i hope you start to feel better lickety split!!!
  2. I, too, would love to snag a copy of their cover of "Pretty in Pink", if anyone feels so inclined to send it my way that would be great!
  3. Last night my mom, sister, and I were watching the Lollapalloza performance and first my mom says that Pat looks like Dana Carvy (sp?). I could sort of see it! Then my sister says that John looks like Luke Perry...
  4. Thanks to everyone who's been sending out good thoughts! I am doing ok, but as soon as I see or talk to any of my relatives and they ask "how are you doing?", I kind of break down every time. I guess that's to be expected though. Tommorrow my sister and brother are coming home from vancouver, and then on wednesday my other sister will be coming from montreal. It will definitely be nice for us all to be together. Thanks again you guys!
  5. Early this morning (2:00am) my grandma died (mom's mom). She had gone to the hospital the day before because she had a bowel obstruction and they were going to do surgery to fix it. But before the surgery her heart stopped and it took the doctors 20 minutes to revive her. She was unconcious from then on. The doctors said that she wasn't strong enough to go through with the surgery, and the only thing that we could do was wait until some family members came in to say goodbye. I was shocked when I saw her. It wasn't 'grandma'. I knew she was already gone, her eyes were cloudy and vacant..
  6. YAY! I hope you have a wicked birthday with lots of love and laughter!!
  7. tell your hubby these photos are WICKED!!! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh glad you had a great time !!!!
  8. The Dark Crystal is one of my favourite childhood movies!
  9. YAY! i just saw this! thanks for your time and effort. whenever you get some of it figured out, please share!!!!
  10. wow! that was fast. thanks so much for the work you put into this. i'll be listening to it tonight!
  11. wow! those are some great shots gogo!!! and you're right, it's impossible to get a bad pic of Emmylou
  12. that's kind of funny (well, not the haha kind of funny), but those songs you mentioned have always been favourites of mine.
  13. so far i'm really diggin this album!!!! :dance :dance i reallly love this version of Nude! and Reckoner is standing out for me right now. I'm sure i'll be listening to it all day long!
  14. hope everyone is having a wicked time!!!
  15. good luck! hopefully it all works out in your favour!
  16. i'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through.
  17. That's fantastic WW!!! Congratulations to the newlyweds!!
  18. so sorry to hear this. love and vibes headed to your grandpa and entire family!
  19. blindgonzo


    sorry back on topic....banter banter banter
  20. i don't think that I bother anyone when i'm singing and dancing in my own room!
  21. while i think there's no point in comparing DMB to Wilco, I seem to be one of the few brave souls on here who openly admit to loving DMB. I've never seen him live, but I just can't deny the effect his music has on me. If something makes me get up and dance in my room and sing along and makes me smile, then there ain't nothing wrong with that!
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