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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. leftover pizza for breakfast really is one of the best little pleasures in life.
  2. i haven't heard this song yet. can anyone hook me up?
  3. The Cinematic Orchestra's song "To Build a Home" I listen to this song at least 3 times while i'm lying in bed at night. It is one of the most beautiful songs EVAH!!!!
  4. wow! the energy that they had was AMAZING!!
  5. True Love Waits is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. Definitely spine tingling!!
  6. you're definitely NOT alone, WW!!! Goodluck with everything.
  7. 1. Sky Blue Sky-Wilco 2. We All Belong-Dr. Dog 3. Boxer-The National 4.Armchair Apocrypha-Andrew Bird 5. In Rainbows-Radiohead
  8. were you also surprised at how high he was?
  9. thanks so much for all of the hard work you put into the site!!! take a load off and enjoy your day!!!
  10. yay! that was wicked!!! during the first bit of heavy/drum/noise/ in Via Chicago, my dad jumped up and asked, "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?". I told him it's a part of the song and he replied, "That's just ridiculous!" yeah,that's too bad about PKB and Hummingbird being cut...but i can't complain!
  11. the point that i was trying to make is just that i think its bizzare and troubling to me that so many people were outraged at the whole clinton/blowjob fiasco, yet so many americans still support Bush after all of the DIRECTLY relevant, poor POLICY decisions he and his administration have made.
  12. i think the nation was very willing to be 'dragged' into the mess. that's what i mean. its like the whole car accident scene that is horrible/gross, but people can't look away. it fascinates them, and they want to see/know more. i think that mindset is far more prevelant in America regarding their leaders' personal lives.
  13. hey there! i hope you've been having a great birthday!!! i wish you lots of love and laughter
  14. I think it's absolutely ridiculous at the kind of media attention that all got. It's really interesting looking at the difference between Canadians and Americans and how they view their respective leaders. In America, the public needs and WANTS to know all there is to know about their leader (generally speaking). In Canada, there isn't the same attention spotlighting the Prime Ministers family and personal life, etc. I mean, of course there have been moments when the Prime Minister was lambasted when he gave his young son a handshake rather than a hug when dropping him off at school, and th
  15. Kidsmoke: your sickling child looks FANTASTIC! What a great idea. just curious, did she get a chance to explain to many people what the costume was all about?
  16. i can't wait to watch this! that is all.
  17. i just finished watching this, and the dueling guitars at the end were WICKED!!!!!
  18. BLASPHEMY the only movie I have ever walked out on was "Hell Boy"...
  19. I figured I'd put this up here, even though there's a little snippet of the article that talks about Wilco, it deals with the music industry in general. It's an interesting read! http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/musi...s?currentPage=1 (sorry if this was already posted. I looked and didn't think it had been)
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