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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. I hope you're liking Seattle, Robert. I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays!!! :party
  2. this is the thread that keeps on giving!
  3. I'm so sorry Kevin. I'm sending all my healing, positive vibes your family's way! I'm sure your little guys will tough it out.
  4. wow! this is a monumental day! I wish the both of you an amazing day full of love and laughter. Although I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you guys, you sure make this place a pretty damn nice place to be! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :dance
  5. well, i'm glad you're doing something. one reason i am skeptical about people not voting is that i think that for many people who are fed up with their system...not voting is ALL they do, and i don't think that is good enough. also, i'm doing a research paper this semester about youth participation in politics, so your stance of the no voting spiked my interest. as for me, i have always been interested in politics. i also happen to be getting a degree in political science and this has obviously helped me be aware of possible avenues of change and improvement in my own system of government
  6. ok, so besides NOT VOTING, what are YOU going to do to organize and mobilize people to push for "Change"?
  7. I believe that not voting is a horrible idea. Also, even if the US stayed in Iraq for 20 or 50 more years, I don't think that that will create a democracy. a stable democracy really depends on a countries political culture (among a few other important things). if the people don't want a democracy, if they don't believe the government is competent and accountable enough to be responsive to the peoples' needs, if the people don't actually believe in the "liberal democratic" values that would be imposed on them (equality, freedom, etc.) and if the society is divided along several cleavage
  8. I hope you've had a wicked day!!!! :party :party
  9. actually, i've got a night class on tuesdays this semester, so friends from class and the prof. tend to go out and drink/eat/argue, etc. i wish it was more scandalous than that.
  10. well i got a pleasant surprise early this morning when i finally made it home and a package was waiting for me! I got some yummy juji fruits (which i can't get here in canada) and jujubes, and a wicked t-shirt for a college radio station in Grinnell. Thanks so much secret santa!!
  11. i don't know why, but hearing this news last night has really shaken me. it's not like he was my fav. actor, but i did have a huge crush on him when i was younger, and i was really looking forward to seeing him as the Joker. i guess it's just cause he's so young and it doesn't seem right to leave a little girl behind with no father.
  12. i was watching the South Carolina debates tonight and it got pretty intense and heated for the first part of the debate. i was glad that Obama responded to everything that Clinton said and tried to set the record straight. however, i don't want all of the bickering between Obama and Clinton to turn folks towards Edwards as the other "anit-clinton" choice. I think that is what happened tonight though. i still think Obama will win South Carolina though.
  13. excellent! this weekend i might go and buy a couple of albums, so i'll be taking these suggestions with me.
  14. my grandpa hated Trudeau. so my mom's act of rebellion included skipping class when she was like 13 and going to see him speak in Medicine Hat.
  15. A-Man, thanks for pulling up that list. When I did a search for the band, I wasn't expecting to find so many albums. I had no idea how prolific this band is, so I was feeling a little lost on where to start. Thanks for all of the advice folks!
  16. so, i've heard mostly just some of their token 'hits' and have recently really gotten into the song "A Well Respected Man" from the Juno soundtrack. i thinks it's about time to check out some full albums from these guys. can you people point me in the right direction? what are your favourite albums? thanks!
  17. nor have i. but i can wait, so no worries.
  18. I really enjoyed this movie. I never thought I could shake the "Aragorn" from Viggo, but his performance in this was wicked.
  19. thanks for sharing the photo's and the experience. this just makes me so much more excited for April!!!
  20. I would add Wishful Thinking and second ROBBY in using the KT version of Monday. God I love those horns!
  21. NP: The Clash- (White Man) in Hammersmith Palais
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