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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. this doesn't necessarliy have to do with the Iowa caucus but... one of my political science professors has told me that he predicts that if Hilary wins the nomination, then the democrats will lose the presidency. he thinks if Obama gets the nomination, then the democrats will win by a relatively wide margin. i really like Obama, and hope that he wins.
  2. i don't mind Chavez. obviously Venezuela has many problems with electoral fraud, and the elections are not close to being fair, but I think he's the least of the US's problems.
  3. glad you've had a good day! enjoy the doc!
  4. YAY! I hope you've had a fantastic day of wickedness!!
  5. you do, but you just don't know it yet.
  6. wow! that sounds like you had a wicked time. i think if i heard A Man Needs a Maid i would start to levitate!
  7. i chose: Wilco The National Dr. Dog Radiohead Feist
  8. ugh! i hope Bianco doesn't win. i like Jenna though, i think she has an interesting face...in a good way!
  9. oh ok. thanks for clarifying! for now, we shall just have to agree to disagree about God's origin though.
  10. alison, i'm really glad i'm not the only Top Model watcher here!
  11. This ^ was my exact reaction to what you wrote earlier: "the great thing about God is, you don't have to explain his origin, because he transcends that." i wasn't raised in a religious family and i continue to be skeptical of ALL religions, and i assume (please correct me if i'm wrong!) you feel the same way about the "Big Bang" theory and/or evolution, and that's fine. i just feel like the "you don't have to explain his origin, because he transcends it" bit is a cop out. however, i suppose the same could be said for some of the unanswered questions in science regarding existence and evolut
  12. I went with LOTR, althrough Indiana Jones was a close second.
  13. i don't think we can be friends.
  14. i figured you'd be a bacon, steak, and burger kind of man! and what's the story behind you meeting some of the GD?
  15. I say #2! fine. then i'll have to say that the Aspirin story sounds like BS to me.
  16. wow. that sounds like a fun time! ok then, this time i'll go for #1...?
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