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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. aahhh...flickerhosen is correct. in fact, i despise leno and buble! i'll join the club for 1ing Edie.
  2. clouds: 2 here's mine: 1. when i was 6 i had a huge bump on the front my leg and when it was being surgically removed my bone proved to be too strong and the saw broke apart 2. i am an extremely sweaty person 3. i love jay leno and michael buble
  3. yeah, i can't stand that song. i do, however, really love the rest of his latest album.
  4. my best level is 45, and so far 600 grains of rice and counting...
  5. I hope your day in fantastic and here's to another great year!
  6. YAY! I hope there's a lot of love and laughter surrounding you today!
  7. I also watch SVU every week, but I don't feel guilty about it. In fact, if I can manage to write a little bit more of this paper, then I will quit for the night and go watch it at 11:00pm
  8. isadorah: i was able to see who i drew, as well as the persons address. i assume we reveal everything eventually, right?
  9. YAY!! Hope you've had an amazing day of loveliness!!!
  10. I do understand that airports can't hire a translator for every language, but it just seems like the officers/security didn't even try to use any other options. i guess that's what frustrates me the most. it seems like because tasers are not MEANT to inflict severe damage to a person, then its ok to use them in any confrontation. i understand that there are certain circumstances when using a taser is absolutely necessary (and preferable to using a gun), but i kind of think that enforcers are using them too frequently. its like the first instinct is to take out the taser now, when other opt
  11. sorry, but i have to bite. this whole this disgusts me. there was no need for the use of a taser in the first place, let alone a second, or possible third shot. the man was not threatening any person, although the throwing of the computer and the table may have shaken up people who were watching the scene unfold. he seemed more confused to me than anything else. this is an international airport. shouldn't there be employee's/security who can speak other languages? i mean, thousands of people probably get to Canada and don't speak English. does anyone know if airports generally have tra
  12. VIBES!!!!!!! I know what this is like. I had my cat Silky since I was one year old. Fortunately, she lived a long happy life of 18 years, but its never easy to lose loved ones. Hopefuly this isn't your kitty's time to go!
  13. have a WICKED day!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
  14. Best Moments: -getting to meet all of the guys after the Calgary show in the summer -hearing Via Chicago, Company in my Back, and Poor Places live -release of SBS Missed Moments: I would really have loved hearing Lets Not Get Carried Away this year. Really though, its been a fantastic year of Wilco and here's to more great years to come!!!
  15. Feist is one of my 3 girl crushes (the others being Cat Power and Joanna Newsom) :wub I actually like The Reminder more than Let it Die, and I can't wait until I have to opportunity to see her live!!
  16. I agree with you on Funeral. Neon Bible has some of my favourite AF songs yet, including Ocean of Noise, Intervention, and My Body is a Cage, but I don't love many of the other songs. As an album, I don't think it's great.
  17. my mom used to call me "jimmer jammers" my brother calls me "jamechka" one of my sisters calls me "jamar"
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