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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. I just don't see the point in writing something offensive like that. It doesn't help the conversation/debate in any way, and it certainly doesn't show what it is that you want other people to know about your stance on the subject. Your future comments won't be taken seriously, even if you do end up having a valid point. I just don't think it has a purpose.
  2. i think that's a lot of bull shit, completely unneccesary and an extremely offensive post. If you don't agree with WW actions, then fine. Like she said, she opened herself up to this kind of criticism. However, she had a legitimate question about her legal situation and there are plenty of lawyers on this board who could probably chime in. You should really think hard before posting something like that.
  3. i don't know if its just me, but i don't see any photo's, or a link to photo's ???
  4. I think this point really depends on the person. I just went to 3 wilco shows and 1 Michael Franti show this past month by myself. I didn't feel dumb or embarrassed about being there by myself. If I only went to shows with friends then I probably would never go to shows, period. Most of my friends don't have the same musical taste as I do, and I'm not going to punish myself and not go to a show that i really want to go to, just because I'm alone. And besides, you're never alone when going to a show. There are thousands of other fans right beside you. I had an amazing time at each of the s
  5. I was so excited to hear Company in my Back in Calgary, as its one of my favourites, and they didn't play it at the Calgary show in 2006. I heard Wishful Thinking at the Calgary 2006 show, and it really changed the song for me. Whenever I would listen to AGIB, I really didn't pay attention to that song, and never looked forward to it. But after seeing it live, it's also become one of my favourite songs. I've yet to hear Hell is Chrome live. Maybe next time.
  6. That's funny, I had a wilco dream last night as well. I was on this stage with Pat in front of a huge crowd. He was rocking out on the organ and I had my acoustic guitar, but I was so nervous that I couldn't sing and eventually I got boo-ed off stage.
  7. heehee! ok, i'm gonna say nothingsevergonnastandinmyway(again). it doesn't describe my love life so much, but generally, this song (at least lately) describes how i'm feeling these days.
  8. I hope you have an amazing day celebrating with friends and family. I wish you all the best!!!
  9. wicked! i'll give it a try after i sleep!
  10. hey, anyone know the chords/tab for this one? I've just recently started loving this one and would love to learn how to play it!
  11. hey, i tried to search for this one, but came up empty handed. anyone know how to play it?
  12. actually, i realized that i can't be high in large crowds with people i don't know. i get paranoid!! but, if it works for you,
  13. since i'm up... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wicked day with plenty of love and friendship!!!
  14. i just started watching this when i was in vancouver visiting my brother. i'm only on the first series, with Christopher Egglecctionaz.ghah( i don' know what his name is?) i really like him as the doctor, and i'm worried about the other actor who starts playing doctor who in series 3. i reallhy like the series though!!!
  15. i printed my name, on the back of a leaf, and watched it float it away
  16. i happen to appreciate Analogman for teaching me to learn how to use the search function on this board. i get kind of sick of people attacking him/her for trying to teach people to look for information that's already out there. i don't find there to be a negative tone in A-man's posts to direct people to other threads, and i don't think the negative responses are necessary. and the other thread wasn't burried in the archives, it was right below this one....i mean, come on!!
  17. YAY!! Hope you have a fabulous day!!!
  18. Here are some photo's: you can see the rest of them here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/10557043@N07/
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